A New Type of Enemy

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"Vampire Hunters!" The Vampire Lord jumped back, wryyyying as his cape hid his appearance from the Hunters. "You tricked me?!"

The other figure had a cold stare in their eyes. Those purple sapphire eyes, glowing in the darkness as the figure stared in surprise, directly at Ulrich.

The Hunters brandished their weapons, getting ready to fight.

Johann took point, armed with but a simple wood cutter axe, his experience make up so much the need for a proper weapon is irrelevant.

"It's no use! There's nowhere to run! We'll bring this entire mansion down in flames before you two could return to darkness once again!"

"Asinine Mortal! Your head will make a fine addition to my collection!" The Vampire jumped, his cape looking like wings in the dark, blocking the light of the fool moon that shined through the windows.

"Maneuver III, you two." Johann ordered his pupils.

"Yes sir!" The two acknowledged.

"Vampire Art! Piercing Claws!" The claws of the monster grew bigger, it's nails were sharp as swords.

Johann grabbed from one of his pockets a smoke bomb, throwing it in the ground, blinding the monster immediately as he foolishly dashed into the cloud.

"You mortals and your tricks!" He barked. When suddenly, the Vampire felt a terrible sensation all around his body.

His eyes dried up, a terrible burning sensation in his throat and nose, as well as his skin.

"What's this accursed smoke!"

The Vampire dashed up, where Ulrich awaited to attack.


"Sun Blessing - First Art!" Yelled Ulrich. "Holy Fire!" A slice of his sword through the air, and both of the monster's arms were gone in an instant. A simple downward axe kick was all it took to send the cursed monster down again.

"My arms! Why won't they regenerate?!" The Vampire questioned looking at what was left of his arms.

In a second, the monster felt the sensation of wind, softly blowing around. In the other, the blood falling from a perfect cut on his neck. He couldn't even look back to see Leonie sheathing her sword again.

"What?" The Vampire asked again, as his head slowly fell to the front, detaching from his neck.

"Too bad for you." Ulrich approached, with his torch, throwing it on the cold, undead body of the Vampire. "Leave this life and join your brothers. Down there in hell."

"Nooooo!" The head cried as it watched the body combust in flames.

"One down, only one left." Said Leonie, looking back at the other Vampire.

"Holy Fire!" Johann Yelled as he slashed right through the neck of the second vampire. "You should pay attention to your surroundings!"

The Master Hunter was sure of his victory, he couldn't have missed the neck of that Vampire.

He stopped, looking back.

"Quickly, use your fire!" He threw another bomb at the feet of the monster, this time, an oil bomb, which in combination with the fire, set fire to the Vampire immediately.

But to their surprise, nothing happened.


The figure of the monster slowly disappeared, like a mirage.

"What?" Questioned the hunters.

"I knew I couldn't count on the Vampire to deal with you all. Then again, you've been at war against them all this time, haven't you?"

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