Chapter 1

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Hux stepped off the shuttle, saluting back to Phasma as she flew back to base. She was kind enough to drop him off on the closest planet so then he could transfer onto a public transport. She had never asked any questions as for his reasoning, always one to do what he asked of her. It wasn't like that though the more he thought about it each time. She was loyal to him as he was to her. Maybe one could consider them friends, but every time the thought came, Hux decided to think of something else.

He turned into a dark alley, away from prying eyes. Not that anyone would notice him even in his humanoid form. He was wearing a poncho and some light pants. He made sure to wear baggy clothes so his skin wouldn't get irritated. Hux set down his pack on the ground and closed his eyes, letting himself relax. Remembering his mother's voice, he breathed slowly, letting his mind become clear.

He still had never gotten used to the feeling of him changing. It was refreshing, his body finally feeling like his. He looked up and smiled, feeling the warm sun shine down on his face. Hux preferred himself like this. He felt closer to his mother in his true form. No longer was he General Hux of the First order. He was only Armitage, a lowly mechanic from Arkanis.

Armitage nelt down and rummaged through his pack finding a small mirror he kept with him at all times. Looking down and smiling, he touched his green face, moving his fingers up the lighter markings. He noticed his yellow eyes were a bit brighter than the last time he had changed, but he supposed it was the fresh air messing with him. Trying and failing to put his hair into some semblance of order, he put the mirror back in  his pack and headed off to make his transport.

He had barely made it onto the transport in time. Only carrying himself and his small pack, he figured there would be much trouble with luggage transfer. They had of course felt the need to check every last item in his pack. Hux had internally groaned, but complied, nonetheless. The prospect of getting manhandled and then missing his transport didn't seem too appealing.

The flight took about three hours standard, which gave Hux the opportunity to catch up on a book he had been too busy to read. He tried to focus on the words, and not the loud aroma that was public transport. Children crying and screaming, people snoring and talking to each other. Hux was happy to just reside in his own bubble.

Getting off of the transport was easier than getting on. They had stamped his ticket and let him go without a check. The city was beautiful as Hux walked down the bustling street. Lights were strung from building to building, vendors trying to sell things while people waited outside of bars and clubs, trying to get in. He noticed the looks he was getting, some with interest and others in disgust. Trying not to let it get to him, he trudged up the elegant stairs to his hotel. Hux had never been one to skip out on the expensive side of things. He owed it to himself at least, but he still always ended up feeling out of place.

As he walked into the lobby, he couldn't stop himself from looking around the elegant room. Marble floors, glass walls, a chandelier that was made of diamonds. If this was the lobby, he could only imagine what his room would look like. Considering how much he paid, he figured as much.

He stood in front of the reception desk, a man in a lavish suit typing away on his monitor across the divide. "Hello, I-" Before Hux could finish the humanoid look at him and rolled his eyes, pointing to his right. "The club's through that door. Turn left and the girls will get you set up and into a room-"

"Excuse me, I have a reservation. I am not here to play to anyone's fantasy....or to yours. I have already paid in advance and should be in your system." Hux stated, trying not to lose his composure. A club, really? Hux thought it would be a day or two before he started to get these types of comments, but he guessed he was wrong. More reason as to why the galaxy needed to be fixed.

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