Superhero in Imp city

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Max had just gotten his very first superhero suit and is now standing on the roof of the I.M.P headquarters.

Max: Okay. Let's do this shit.

After saying that, Max jumps off the roof of the building and free falls. Flipping in mid-air max opens a portal that opens up to rooftop, where he would land. He started running and then began to perform parkour on the roof tops, looking for anyone in help and crime in the city.

Max: All right, gameplan. I'll look for any crimes that need stopping or someone who needs saving. And if things go sideways, I'll use Portal to teleport the bad guys to jail or something. But, then again, this is hell; the place where even the baddest of bad goes. so this should be good.

Max ran on the rooftops for 2 more minutes until he came across an alley where he saw two imps with a purse. Teleporting on top of a dumpster max sits down and smugly asks.

Max: So what are you guys doin'?

Imp.1: Yo, da fuck is you supposedto be?

Imp.2: nah, it's just some cosplayer thinkin' he a superhero. Yo, get the fuck out now!

Max: I'm thinking... No.

Imp.2: You crazy son of a bitch. Fuck this shit.

The imp swings his face attempting to punch the masked imp. Max dodges and ducks punching the imp in the gut. Making him stumble back and fall to the ground nauseous.

Imp.1: So fuckin Dead kid!

Max then lunges towards the imp who was running towards him. The teenaged imp them tuck and rolls, once he untucked, max landed a strong and painful kick to the weakest point of all men. The groin. The drug dealer squeals in agony as he feels his weak spot get attacked and grabbed it in pain before getting kicked in the face and getting a bloody nose. Distracted by smirking under the mask, the other imp got up and grabbed max by the tail throwing him into a brick wall, and getting a gun pointed to his head.

Imp.2: Who the fuck do you think you are?

After Max felt the gun on his head, pushed the fire arm away, and to imp.2's surprise, the costumed imp hand was covered in red flames.

Max then slams the fire burning fist into the imps face, burning him with his hell fire, causing him to fall  him to fall on the ground as his face burned.

Max: I'm Hope-Demon.


The imps laughter was cut off as Max kicked him in the face, then the nuts again making the imp shut up and pass out.

Imp.2: ah fuck... Seriously, Kenny shut up....

Max: least one retards smart enough to- wait a sec, did you just say his name was kenny?

Imp.2: Yes...

Max: HA ha ha ha ha ha. Aw man, that's good. Kenny dies every episode, right? * Sigh * okay I think I'm done here but first. Go to sleep!

After max says that he kicked the other imp in the head causing him to lose consciousness. Then he handcuffed them to a light post.

Max: While it is gross, it's a good thing there were handcuffs out here. Now, you skunks stay here. They usually pick up the garbage in an hour.

As Max finished handcuffing the thugs to the post, he then realized he was being watched by a kid who caught the entire thing on camera. Max waves before falling through a portal to a rooftop.

Max: WHOO! Okay, now that was fun. I can so get used to the whole superhero thing. Might as well head by the upper side, see what kind of fun I can find.

Max then jumps and falls through a portal, landing on the upper side of Imp City, and starts looking for crime. Max had done a decent job thanks to his powers, gymnastics, and martial arts training. The young superhero had stopped 5 robberies, 3 drug deals, and even a rape from occurring. The imps in the city had already realized that there was a new species of an imp. Already, the media had received posts and videos of Max's actions and missions.

Now, in the I.M.P headquarters hanging out with the family. Loona actually patted the young Imp on the head teasing.

Loona: So, Hope-Demon, Huh? Couldn't think of a better name kid?

Max: Okay, one I'm like 5 years younger than you. [ moxxie and millie are older in this au ] two, it's not that bad. And it's pretty honest and just saying demon of hope would be a bit obnoxious.

Blitz: Still, I think it's a bit of a bad name.

Max: Oh, you're one to talk. Blitzo.

Blitz: Oh, don't even. The O is silent, you know that, cosplay boy.

Max: Really? Is that the best you could do? And what have you come up with for a superhero name?

Blitz saw that his nephew was trying to mess with him and he put on a " fuck you face " making max smirk in victory.

Blitz: fuck you.

Max: Yeah, That's what I thought.

Millie: either way we're very proud of you.

Max: thanks mom.

Moxxie: so thoughts on the outfit?

Max: I love it, it's comfortable and makes me feel like I'm in bed.

The imps continued to talk about Max's Big hits. But meanwhile at the goetian pallace, stolas and Octavia were watching the news and saw the footage of " Hells superhero: Hope-Demon " Octavia for some reason blushed as she recognized the horns, hair, and beauty spot. Stolas was intrigued by this imp and was curious about the young imps progress already knowing who was really under the mask. As they watched stella saw the news and was disgusted, the thought of an Imp having special powers offended her. And she didn't want to hear any more of this.

Stella: I don't know what the fuck this is. But whatever This Hope-Demon imp hopes to achieve, he will be dead, as he should be.

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