chapter 23- The Final

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"adrien, I can't do it", Marinette said as she began to cry. Adrien hugged her, alya and Nino felt really bad for her.

"Ofcourse you can", adrien said while hugging her. "that's what lawyers do all they do is try to intimidate you, just for you to mess up.", He told her in a tender tone as he rubbed her back.

"Really?", Mary said, as she broke their hug. "Yeah, that's all they do...they can't hurt you", he replied.

"Ok, I'll try again", Marinette sniffed. "Ok, and remember... Nathaniel's not gonna do anything to you, cause if he trys to hurt you...then I will hurt him", adrien added sternly.

Mary nodded slightly. "Let's go guys", alya said as she got up from the bench. They all get up and walk back into the court room. They got to their rightful places and they started.

"So as I was said Nathaniel was abusive? When did he first started being abusive?", The lawyer asked.

Marinette thought for a minute. She took a deep breath. "It was when I came from college one day. I caught him cheating on me, and that was the first time he slapped me", Marinette replied truthfully.

"Hmmm how did it happen exactly?", he asked as he pushed his hand in his pocket and lifted an eyebrow. "Ummm, when I came home from college. I walked into the house and I heard weird noises from our room and I went to check and I saw him in bed with another woman. The woman ran out before I could say anything to her. Nathaniel walked up to and I was telling me that I was pathetic and......he slapped me. He told me he never loved me. ", Marinette explained with a lump in her throat.

Adrien smiled at her. "Good job, keep going", he mouths to her and she smiles. "Is that so?", The man asked. "Yes", Mary replied.

"Ok, what were you doing the day, when you claimed Nathaniel caused you to overdose?", The man asked as he looked Marinette up and down.

"I wasn't doing anything I was just on my phone. And before he caused me to overdose he raped me", Marinette replied effortlessly.

"How many times has he raped you?", He asked, gesturing to Nathaniel. "He raped me....about....I don't know I lost count. He would rape like twice in one day", Marinette said, as she looked at Nathaniel.

Nathaniel glared at her. But regular Marinette would've been scared but for some reason she wasn't. Marinette balled her fist and looked at her balled right fist.

She suddenly felt unstoppable....she didn't feel fear. She felt relief, she felt like she was over powering Nathaniel.

And she was

She puts her fist down and looked at Nathaniel's lawyer to answer the question he just asked her. "Yes he punched me.... I had a black eye for a couple weeks", Marinette replied swiftly.

Alya smiled at her. "Alright girl, jeep going", alya mouths to her. Marinette smiles, she suddenly felt this feeling in the pit of her stomach like she didn't fear anyone at this moment.

"Alright dudette", Nino then mouths to her. Marinette's smile got wider and that courage's feeling grew. She suddenly took a deep look inside herself.

She closed her eyes, and realized. She didn't have to be abused, she was only abused because she was weak and afraid of him. But now she's stronger.

And she realized she didn't really need alya, Nino nor Adrien's help. All the help she needed was already inside her. SHE. WAS. ALREADY. ENOUGH.

And she had enough of Nathaniel's crap. And she was gonna put an end to it once and for all.

Marinette opened her eyes and looked at Nathaniel. "Ok, there is plenty evidence of this so bring me the paper", the judge said.

The lawyer then walked to his desk and brought a piece of paper back to the judge. The judge analyzed the paper and adjusted his glasses.

"Ok, the defendant is....", the judge stopped mid sentence. As everyone stared at him attentively, desperately waiting for his anser. "He is guilty", the judge said as he placed the paper down. He banged the mallet on the table, "case closed", he said.

The police officers picked up Nathaniel and was about to take him away but he ran towards Marinette. Marinette got out of her seat and Nathaniel approached her.

"You whore!! I'm gonna get you!! When I get out of jail I'm gonna kill you!!", He threatened. Marinette just stared at him.

He uncuffed his cuffs suddenly and was about to slap Marinette but she saw it coming. As he was about slap her she held his hand in mid air.

He gasped as Marinette held his wrist tightly. He looked into Marinette's eyes, and he no longer saw the frightened little girl he once saw when he abused her....he saw courage, passion and determination.

And he couldn't believe it. "Oh yeah, well we'll see about that", Marinette said, as she gave him a death stare that pierced his soul. The men ran to Nathaniel and gripped him.

They then shoved him out of the door. Adrien, alya and Nino ran up to Marinette and looked at her in shock. "Wow girl, you were amazing....where did all that courage come from?", Alya asked in shock.

"Honestly....I don't know", Mary replied. she smiled brightly, and they all couldn't be happier seeing her smile like that. She was...finally free.

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