Here For You

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Claire arrived at Elvis' house around seven o clock at night and got out of her car, taking a deep breath as she closed the door and headed up to the the front door of the house. She knocked lightly and waited patiently for someone to answer, greeted by Vernon seconds later who smiled kindly at her. "Hello Claire. Please come in." He stood aside and closed the door once she was inside. There was obvious tension and sadness hanging in the air all throughout the home but the main reason why was the big question. Claire looked to Vernon after waiting several minutes, thinking of what to say and how to say it without upsetting him

"How's Elvis? I heard he's not doing well."

Vernon stammered nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Well...he's been locked in his room for a couple of days. He only comes out at night to get something to eat and I hear him in his bathroom taking a shower."

"Is it alright if I try to talk to him?" She grew even more worried about her professor

He nodded and gestured to the staircase as if saying 'be my guest' for he couldn't seem to get through to his son and hoped that maybe she could

Claire thanked him and wasted no time in going upstairs to Elvis' room, knocking on the door since she assumed it was locked from what Vernon had told her. "Elvis? It's me. I came to check on you." She spoke softly, listening for any sort of noise

"There goes my reason for living. There goes the one of my dreams. There goes my only possession. There goes my everything." She could faintly hear him singing in melancholy and knocked on the door again, a little louder this time to get his attention

After a few minutes of standing in the hallway, the door slowly opened and Elvis stared at Claire with baggy eyes. It was clear to see he was going through a rough patch. He had a five o clock shadow and stubble on his face. He even looked a little thinner but it was hard to say since he was naturally skinny. But what was obvious is he certainly wasn't taking care of himself

"You shouldn't have come, Claire. I'm a mess...I don't want you seeing me like this."

"Elvis, I'm worried about you. This isn't like you." She followed him into the large room and sat down beside him on the bed

"What can I say? I'm a man of mystery. Besides, what more can I lose? The university suspended me for three weeks, they most likely think I'm unfit to keep teaching."

"Let me talk to them, maybe I can-"

"Don't worry about it. It's not your responsibility."

"My responsibility is looking out for you. That includes your job. The one you worked so hard for."

This broken down man that sat to the left of her shook his head in disbelief and huffed somewhat impatiently. Oh how he was hurting bad and needed someone, something to lift him up. However, this wouldn't be a first for Claire helping someone who felt like their life was crumbling away. She went through the same thing with both of her parents but she didn't like to discuss it or even be reminded of it

"Elvis, I can't fix you. Only you can fix you." She spoke almost in a whisper

He sighed softly and stared at the wall in front of him before looking to her and taking a hold of her hand. "I'm going to do everything I can to get out of this funk. I appreciate you coming over and everything. Not many people would do that for me."

"I'm glad to hear that. Just know I'll be here if you ever need my help." She kissed him on the cheek before standing up, glancing at the clock hung on the wall near his bathroom. "I should go, it's getting late."

"Why don't you stay here tonight? You can sleep with me in my bed, there's plenty of room."

"I couldn't, we haven't even slept together. Plus your dad's here, I don't want him to walk in on us. It might be best if I slept in your guest room."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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