Chapter 3:Funeral

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It's the day of my dads funeral I haven't really spoken to anyone troys been there for me his the only one I've had with me cuddling me every night not wanting to see anyone else

Knock on the door Troy walking in

" you ready "

" yeah "

Walking out and everyone standing around looking at Lilly walking over to her dads body otto speaking first

"We are here today to say goodbye to Aaron Anderson a good friend a father and one of the closest friends I had "Lilly grabbing Troy hand knowing she had to go up next

" his daughter Lilly would like to say a few words "

Lilly walking over to where otto was standing she pulled out a piece of paper on what she wrote

" hey everyone thank you all coming I would like to say that my dad is the most amazing dad that I could ever ask for his always been my hero - Lilly crying but he always cared about everyone and this community my dad wasn't just my hero he was everyone and even though he should still be here just know he died a hero to me and everyone that loved him so goodbye dad I love you " walking over back to Troy otto went to make the fire it's our way of saying goodbye

I stood there crying more I couldn't bear this I walked off and went back to the house I couldn't watch him burn

Troy running after Lilly to see if she was ok walking in her house he saw her on the floor crying

" hey hey I got it's ok " Lilly grabbing him in a hug

" I can't believe his gone he was the only family I had left "

" hey that's not true you got me "

Lilly looking at him

" thank you Troy for everything "

" hey I care so much about you your my best friend and I love you I know it's hard but I am here for you always "

Lilly looked up at him even though she was emotionally because of her dad but she's been feeling weird since he got back all of a sudden she grabbed Troy and kissed then he pulled back in shock

" I'm sorry "

" no don't be sorry "

" I think you should go "

" what "

"Go "

" I can't leave you in this state "

" GET OUT " pushing Troy out the door

" Lilly wait " Troy shouting behind the door Lilly falling to the floor

" go away "

" Lilly "

" troy go away go away go away "

Then silent he left she didn't want him to but she felt embarrassed kissing him she doesn't know what she did it she's so confused laying on the floor falling asleep

A week later

Lilly still didn't come out the house Troy went by their every day and knocked on the door but no answer he was starting to get scared

Eating his breakfast he had a lot in his mind like why would she kiss him I know she lost her dad but why just Troy has been feeling different about Lilly lately it's like he wants more than a friend he just doesn't understand

" can I sit " Madison

" sure "

" you ok "

" do I look ok "

"Actually you look like shit "

" what do you want Madison "

" just want to know how Lilly is holding up "

" I don't know she won't come out of her house and she doesn't want to speak to me "

"She will come around "

" I don't think she will this time "

" why what happened with you 2 habe an argument "

"No she kissed me "

" oh "

" then she kicked me out so I don't know what's going "

" you know when we first turned up here and I saw her come running out to you and you grabbed her I thought you 2 were a couple I was wrong but I see the way you look at each other maybe you need to talk both of you "

" she hasn't spoken to me for weeks I don't know what's gonna want to make her talk to me now "

" I talk to her maybe she needs a female talking "

" yeah maybe "

" ok then "

"What now "

" well she can't stay in that house forever she needs food " Madison said grabbing food and then walking up to Lilly house

Lilly was laying on the sofa starring at the chair her dad used to sit in holding her teddy thay troy gave her she hasn't came out the house after the funeral and specially not after she kissed Troy she was so studip for doing that she doesn't know why she would do it in the first place

The was a sudden knock on the door she ignored it until another knock

" I said go away "


" Troy I said go away " as i opened the door there stood Madison

" oh sorry I thoug—-"

" it's ok kind of I come in I got you breakfast "

" sure "

Madison walking in the house the house was a mess we're Lilly has smashed things around and hasn't cleaned

" why don't I clean up for you "

" why you helping me"

" I spoke to Troy his really worried about you "

" why would you care what he thinks "

" I dont but I know his worried about you darling "

" I made a mistake no he probably doesn't even want to talk to me "

" well I think he thinks differently "

Lilly looks confused

" he misses you I'm sure you miss him too why don't you go talk to him "

" I can't "

" why because you kissed as I understand being friends for so long you must of catched feelings along the way and you are a nice girl the way he looks at you that's love "

Lilly stopped to think Madison was right troy has always been there for you even when you were both little with your mum dying and you being there when his dad would beat him and you would clean him up how haven't you 2 catched feelings 

" I'm gonna go and speak to him "

" just be honest with each other "

Lilly smiling at Madison walking off to find troy

Troy was by the fence just thinking and looking outside Lilly hasn't spoken to him since the kiss it's not like he didn't want to pull away because be didn't he was just so shocked that Lilly would kiss him they have been friends forever and he always thought Lilly would be too good for him she's pretty and nice person but with Troy everyone hates him specially his dad and everyone here but not Lilly she always was there to tell him different he just never thought that feelings would get caught in the middle

" hey troy "

He turned around and saw Lilly

" hey "

" I think we need to talk " Lilly said sitting next to troy looking at each other see who's going to speak first

Damaged love Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora