Return To The Pack

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||| Welcome To Long Beach, CA |||

I looked at the sign smiling excitedly, and I sped up, a little a lot has happened in the twenty-four hours since Uncle Tommy called me, I said my goodbyes to a lot of people... and Tory


I dodged a kick from Tory before I put my arms up blocking her punch and wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her close before she headbutted, I stumbled back and touched my now busted nose and pulled my hand back and saw the blood on my fingers before I wiped my nose

Jack: Tory, calm down!

Tory: Fuck you!

She picked up a lamp from the side and threw it to me and I ducked under it, and it smashed into the wall, and I looked up to her wide eyed.

Jack: I'm not breaking up with you, okay? I'm just going back to Long Beach for training. That's it.

She looked at me and I saw her red puffed-up eyes before they welled up with tears again and the sight broke my heart.

Tory: Promise?

I walked up to her and sighed wrapping my arms around her and pulled her close and kissed her on top of the head and hugged her close

Jack: Promise. Besides we could always text and facetime.

Tory: It won't be the same as having you here.

She sighed before she looked around my dad's trashed apartment and I looked around as well and chuckled at the mess.

Tory: I overreacted, huh?

I laughed while she giggled, and dad walked into see the mess.

Johnny: What the hell happened here?!


I pulled up to the dojo and looked at the sign and smiled.

I pulled up to the dojo and looked at the sign and smiled

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|| Black Wolf Karate ||

I walked into the dojo and looked around the empty dojo before I walked over to the lockers and chuckled looking at my old locker, they never changed the nameplate.

Jack: Jackson "The Alpha" Kent.

I heard the door open and looked over to see kids walking in their workout clothes talking amongst themselves some of them were new Bloods while the others were old faces and I smiled when I saw Jay look over to me and he smiled with a chuckle and Tommy came walking in talking to Rin, they looked over to me and Tommy smiled nodding while Rin glared at me.

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