Chapter Fifty-One: Doesn't Matter

Start from the beginning

Dad glares at him. "Y/N wants to speak with you too."

"About what?" He mumbles out, squinting his eyes.

"Why don't you ask me and find out?" I say, speaking louder than his lazy tone. His hostility is different than before during the mission. His limited wording is purposeful, he would've been going on a tangent at this point. The absence of his quirk has knocked him down from his pedestal. "Don't speak as if I'm not here."

"Why not?" He scoffs back, tilting his head. All his attitude resides in his gestures.

"I won't take that amount of insolence from somebody weaker than me." I call out, furrowed brows. Kai makes the same face. I clench my jaw. Dad glances my way, I don't spare him the time. I cross my arms over my chest and tilt my chin down. "You're going to tell me everything I want to know."

Kai gives a dry chuckle. "Did your parents finally tell you the news?"

I blink, tracing his features. "I want to hear what you have to say for yourself." I speak, making Kai raise a brow at my stark response. I take a deep breath in and let it out smoothly. "What did you do to her?"

His brows raise at my question. Kai sits up straight with a disgusted expression. "Excuse me, I would never lay a hand on her with filthy intent." He claims, shaking his head. He switches his gaze between me and my father. "Yori was more of a sister to me than your so-called mother ever tried to be. She raised me during my adolescence while your wife, Benjiro, left me. The reason why Meika doesn't like me is because she never gave me a chance."

"She never gave you a chance because you stuck by Yori and excluded her." My dad says, voice becoming harsh and his knuckles go white. I look to him, not surprised by his reaction. Anything said negatively about his wife would trigger him. Defensive, impulsive. A hidden side of the ocean. Kai scoffs and rolls his eyes as Dad continues. "Yori was an angel and you had made it clear that you didn't like Meika. She tried, Kai, but you were such an asshole to her that you pushed her away."

"Oh, drop the niceties, Benjiro, you know that your wife is the farthest thing from perfect." Kai shouts, lifting his shoulders as he leans away from his chair. Chains restrain his movement. I watch. "She ignores everything wrong with her life, and then she tries to control all of it anyway. She was the one who freaked out the most when you couldn't get Y/N into Mieka's dream school, wasn't she? Nabu Middle School? So much so, that she went directly to the principle and used your job as a Pro Hero as leverage."

My heart beats harder when I hear that. Is... that why Kai would always ask how my days were at Nabu? Is that why Dad seemed so confused when I was accepted? I had thought that he was too surprised to react. Is that why my mother wore that knowing smile on her lips when I ran up to her, all excited?

My life has been chosen from the start. I hate that 'it's in my control' bullshit. What the Hell is there for me to do?

Dad shifts in his seat, moving forward to the thick glass that sat in between us and Kai. The villain goes on, lifting his shoulders, "Meika knows nothing more than what makes her happy, she doesn't try to even comprehend what else could happen. She is obsessed with being 'okay' because she never wants to face her problems."

He looks to me all of a sudden. I widen my eyes a little bit. "Meika wants everyone to know what a good mother she has been to you. Because it makes her feel better about herself, about all the wrong things she did when we were younger. It was never about you." He scowls, and while I try not to show how much it effects me, my fingers wrap around the skirt of my uniform, "She was neglectful, she would pick and choose what she wanted to be her responsibility — why do you think she took you to live with her in the first place? Because it was the right thing to do?"

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