"Alfred? Right?" He repeated, and the little boy nodded, then turned his body to Grayson and nuzzled into his side for comfort.

"Well Erm, we'll just be going now. See you later, mate." And then they left, leaving me with nothing but confusion.


The last time I had spoken to my parents was 3 years ago, due to the fact that they were in a place that had no phone service.

They were staying at this cottage in Canada to spend some time together, however, now that I have thought about it, it's come clear to me that they possibly lied about there not being phone service so that they won't be disturbed, which I understood.

Me and my older sister, Jo, had always bothered them a lot over the years. Not on accident, no, but on purpose, because we love them and that's just what we as their children are supposed to do.

But on a serious note, they called me for the first time this morning to ask me how I was doing.

I expected to respond in disappointment in disappointment after they lied to me, but only respectful words came out.

It felt nice to talk to them after so long. They said that they will be returning to England before my birthday and Christmas, which I was excited about.

The next day, my sister called whilst I was in class, but thankfully it didn't start yet.

"So, do you have a boyfriend yet?" She asked me. I could hear the sounds of her chewing gum on the other line. Thankfully she's not a gum smacker like some people are. It's one of my biggest pet peeves.

"No, and why is that important?" I answered, looking up at the clock and reading it, seeing that only 1 minute was left before we had to hang up.

"Because I'm your sister and want to know what good-looking fella has my little brother's heart stolen? Come on! There has to be somebody." She continued to push.

"Maybe my hot therapist, now bye."

"Your hot what—?!" I hung up the phone before she could say anything else and placed it back on the wall.

"Was that Josephine?" Jackson asked me as I sat down next to him in my seat.


"Did she mention me?"

"You have a girlfriend, Jack." I reminded him, giving him a warning eye.

"Yes, but did she mention me?" He asked again, and I shook my head, chuckling at the crush he still has on her since he saw her for the first time when visiting me at my house.


Therapy had gone on well for a while. At first, I dreaded going there, but knew I had to. Now, it feels like the only reason I want to go is to see Dr Murphy.

I don't know what it was about him, but he made me feel the most comfortable. Like I could talk about anything with him.

"Do you have any phobias or fears?"

"A few." I answered honestly.

"What are they?" He asked me, his eyes locked with mine.

I moved my eyes around like I was thinking to avoid his gaze, and said, "Holes, snakes, spiders, and heights."

"Hmm, you said your friend fell off a tree whilst trying to climb it, is that correct?" I nodded, and he wrote it down.

"Would you say that the accident was the cause of your fear?" He questioned, repositioning himself on the chair and crossing his legs, which I noticed was something he frequently does.

Till Death Do Us Part (L.S)Where stories live. Discover now