Chapter IV. Book Of The Stranger

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"Because you must"

"I do not even know who I am without Jaime"

"You are a Targaryen, a queen, still a queen"

I cry "I love him, Aunt Genna, I know it is done And I love him" I sob.

Genna hugs me "What can I do?"

"Nothing you can do


Narrator POV

In Jaime's chamber, Genna pinched Jaime's ear angrily "You ruined your life, your marriage, everything"

"Leave me, I am not a child anymore"

"You are a child, you act like a child right now, who has a toy and is bored with it"

"All you matter is that I have a wife and take Castelry Rock and be with the family"

Genna shouts "Now I am standing like I was years ago with your father not to marry Joanna to protect her from Aerys Targaryen and said the same thing"

Jaime shouts "Yes sounds like my father, I know but That's the only way I could save her, I could not protect my own sister. And this the fucking high sparrow needs Lyanna for the same thing, A walk like a whore, I will not accept that so leaving or abandoning her is the only way to save her" Genna sighs "I will do it because if I let her live here it will end up with Cersei killing her. I love my wife and I love my sister even Tyrion what he did"

"If you let her in Harrenhal alone, Daeron Targaryen kill her again or anyone from your enemies, That is not the best for her. You should do something"

Jaime shakes his head "Sometimes nothing is the hardest thing you can do"


Lyanna POV

I sit on the bench watching guards put my things on the carts. I feel angry and sad, I do not want to leave him. Lord Lyonel Dondarrion walks towards me and I give him a look "May I sit?"

I sigh "Have a seat"

Lyonel sits next to me "I heard about what happened, Does that lead to rumors or__" I give him another look "I am sorry but I see you angry"

"I have no idea but here we go"

"Let's talk about something else, your first time coming here"

I sigh "I remember when I first came here. stepping out of the cart. everyone lined up to welcome the North. I was so Nervous. But at least I had my family Father, Sansa, Arya, Gwen, and Jory. I saw Jaime give me support. And somehow I knew that everything going to be all right" Lyonel smiles sadly "Now I'm leaving alone. It is not just what I imagined"

"Life loves to play with us a cruel game to see what we will do, so do not give up" he hits my arm gently with his "You are the red queen"

Snow runs to me and I open my arms take her into a hug and pat her head. Snow howls and groans at Lyonel "Easy, Snow"

"She kind do not like me"

"Snow" Snow howls more "Okay, easy, relax"

"If you excuse me not to upset her more"

I nod and he walks away.


Narrator POV

Meanwhile, Lyanna and Lyonel Dondarrion talking. Genna and Jaime Lannister watch them above "See, she is still here and the sheep gather around her"

Jaime sighs "Aunt Genna, Do not make it harder than it is"

Genna takes him between her arms.


I get in the carriage, and Baelor sits while Sebastián and Kenna sit together. I sit next to Baelor "Why did you put yourself in danger?"

Snow gets in the carriage and Kenna closes the door.

Bash says "To save your ass as always"

I hit his arm "And you're almost dead"

"And you were dead"

"Please, Do not do that again"

Kenna smiles "You are alive now, Lyanna"

"I can not believe Daeron did that and your father did that to you"

"I still do not understand. why they did do that?"

Baelor and I share a look. Bash says "Because she killed Malia Hightower"

Kenna says "If you did this, How did you get in?"

I sigh "Servants passages and Lannister gold could do anything"

The carriage moves and I see from the window Jaime talking with Harwin. I look at him that not can be our end, That end of our story, How?! I love you, Jaime, know that I will never love a man the way I love you...

Kenna smiles warmly "It will pass, We are with you"


Narrator POV

Lyanna gets in the carriage with Baelor and his family. Jaime walks towards Harwin. Harwin asks "What meaning of this?"

Jaime sighs "She is not safe here"

"That's talk tell to anyone a child, not me" Harwin shrug "I will not talk to formally, Jaime. We are the same age, we are friends since we were sixteen, and we served Targaryen together. What is going on with you?"

"My father died, my brother killed him and run away, and my sister almost killed her. Lyanna died between my arms"

"And she is back and confused."

"Laela is her sister, let her be with her. It will pass. Let them go to Jon, let this family back together"

Harwin sighs "You ruin everything, Jaime"

"If that means her safety, I will do it again"

The carriage moves and Jaime shares a look with Lyanna and her sad face I will never love a woman the way I love you.

Harwin says "Lyanna is never safe"

"Just take care of her, I can not trust anyone but you on her"

Harwin embraces Jaime "I wish to know what is inside Lannister's mind" Harwin walks toward his horse and rides it and follows the carriage.

Jaime sighs to himself "At least she will be safer without me"

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