˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ MEN OR MONSTERS

For the longest time, humanity has debated whether or not we are good or evil, but it has always been more complex than that. It is so simple to paint the world in black and white-good or evil-and place everything into the two boxes where they will never be able to be in the other.

But it is so much more than that.

An array of grays spread in between the black and white, ranging with various amounts of darkness and light. Every shade contains an ounce of darkness; just as every piece of light is surrounded by shadows.

Humans are too complex to be categorized in simple boxes of good and evil. In Kieran Almazan's mind, there were only two labels humans could be given:

Men or Monsters?

Men were complex beings crafted to be smarter than all other creatures on Earth. They held a greater intellect than any other. Their actions would be deemed moral or immoral. And once that decision is made they have the ability to continue to act in such ways, or switch.

Monsters. Oh, monsters have no choice. They only devour to fulfill a need that is bubbling inside them. They act without a sense of morality. They do not care about the consequences, only to fulfill their desires. Monsters are so much worse.

And yet, sometimes, monsters are better than men.

They lack the choice, the knowledge, the intelligence that men have. They do not have morals, they just are. They do not know better because destruction is all they know. Men? Men know better. Men have the choice to do better. Yet, most do not.

As she explained this ideology to her guardian, begging the question of what the woman believed.

"Are we men or monsters, Samara?"

She answered as she brushed through Kieran's dark locks,

"We are who we need to be to live."


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