blabbing mouth

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( no idea where got image if you know please say)but that her the image looks kinda like her so ya

Chapter two

Dazai pov:

Chuuyas red and I'm blue. I hope for us to have purple but at last that's not true. a dream to wither with me as long as I'm gone your all free"

You See dazai has a thing for hats and glasses, some blondes and redheads...maybe some purple and black hair ones as well...haha.. might be fun...

OK you got him! He likes some boys he knows he shouldn't like. more than one at the same Time but can you blame him????

Like look at these men!!!!!!!!!

A boy with long blond hair with glasses that suit him just so damn well. Who's just so responsible and caring...and has a heart for kids~. No, get a hold of yourself!. YOU TO READER!!

But has a huge tree up his ass you wonder if the leaves were still on it?. And the more you know him the more you realise the tree is still growing.

Yep, kunikida.

And a short garden gnome with orangery- red hair and some weird ass fancy looking hat who's got a Pomeranian attitude but has such deep blue you'd believe you'll drown and oh~ his existent you'd believe the hungry house wife's will take lift off in seconds just by sight of his coat.

Ya...chuuyas Hah..

Now who's the greatest Detective! That's right the hot seductive short king! Which has the best green eyes ever in history and would make you have a Obsession with candy from the taste of his lips. He's like looking after an annoying sibling. is horrible fashion but has a hot dad (fukuzawa)

Then comes the lice eater with a nest of hair who probably also names the lice but..has eyes that make you feel things so sinful and make you scream from agony of being touched staved to the point even if you touch a peace of his greasy hair you will come ( probably die to) fyodor.

OK you get the point

He...may have a problem..he can hide his heart beat and blushing face but what he can't hide is his 7 year olds blabbing mouth so that's one reason he doesn't take her to work at all.

Now you may wonder what was her first time at the agency? Well today. Yep dazai knows Akim has a blabbing mouth because at school she doesn't shut up and tells her teachers everything! To the point their giving advice. How did she even get this information from?!

Oh..that's right..dazai the one who told her..but! In this defence he was a little drunk..ok a lot

But it doesn't mean she has to say anything!

*sign *

But now she has to shut that baby mouth of hers. And they had a talk about it so she will be quiet. I hope...

"HI GUYS!! " Screams dazai as he walks in slamming the door from open to closed with something in his arms?

" for the last time dazai BE QUIET" kunikidas lectures quickly die down as soon as they come up because what's in dazai arms are...a little girl?

"Oh that's right um so I thought whyyy~ not have a bring your daughter to work day? Hmmm~?"

The entire agency froze. What? Akashi yosano and kunikida mouths wide open and the rest well puzzled and eyes just wide even ranpo

But dazai he was just fine and acting as if everything was just fine until

" mommy! Look, it's the boy that you said was hot! And have a crush on! I found him like a Detective because of all his candy!!" Screamed Akim pointing her finger at ranpo squealing with excitement because she found him

Oh dear akim shut the fuck up.

mum dazai welcome to hell!!Where stories live. Discover now