Elvis got up and carried Claire upstairs to her room, laying her down gently onto the mattress and covered her with the duvet. "Goodnight, honey. I'll see you tomorrow, ok?" He leaned down to kiss her tender forehead goodnight, Claire smiling to herself as she watched him leave the room and listened to his footsteps cascading down the stairs, closing her heavy eyes and drifting off to sleep

The alarm clock went off at six in the morning, Claire lazily reaching over and smacking the top of it to shut off the blaring noise. She laid in bed for five more minutes before getting up and dressed for the day ahead. Her outfit for today was a black sundress with white polka dots, a pair of shiny short heeled shoes. She was quick in brushing her hair and applying some makeup before leaving for campus

Her day had gone fairly slow, thankful that her final class for the day ended at one o' clock. As she gathered up her books and small purse, her Business Management Professor approached her. "Claire, got a minute?" Mr. Flores asked

"Yes, Professor?" Claire turned to face him

"You've been quite the star student in my class and I think you definitely have a future in business. Might I suggest taking my financial aid class too? That would of course mean you'd have to drop a class." Mr Flores smiled at the girl and adjusted his glasses

Claire was hesitant about dropping any of her classes since she enjoyed them all and couldn't really complain

"Might I make a suggestion?" Mr. Flores interrupted her thoughts. "I personally believe you don't need to continue with Literature if you'll be a successful business woman someday."

"Oh, I couldn't. I actually like Literature." She clutched her books close to her body

"If you say so. But think it over, hm?" The middle aged man smiled kindly and walked away

Claire couldn't believe he had the audacity to tell her to drop her Literature class. She couldn't stand not seeing Elvis or hearing his southern drawl while he taught. Plus, she liked to stare at his tight trousers when his back was turned and stare at his perfect ass. She went to the faculty member's building to see if Elvis was around to inform him of what Mr. Flores told her but she had a nagging feeling in the back of her mind that he wasn't going to take it well

She smiled widely at spotting Elvis making a cup of coffee in the break room. He hadn't noticed her yet until he heard that sweet voice of hers. "Don't I get a cup too? Or can we share?"

Elvis didn't waste a second in slipping an arm around her waist and planting a kiss on her cheek. "Elvis!  Not here!" Claire laughed and removed his large hand

"So what brings you by here, honey?" He took a sip of the strong brew and leaned against the counter by the refrigerator

"Well.... You know Mr. Flores? He wants me to take his financial aid class but I'd have to drop a class....he wanted me to drop your class specifically." Claire averted her gaze, knowing fully well he was pissed by how quickly he straightened up and set his cup down forcefully

She started to regret coming here

"You aren't going to drop my class, are you? My job is already hanging by a loose thread and I can't afford to have any students drop out." Elvis glared at her, jaw clenched tight

Claire slowly backed away from him and shook her head. "No, I'm not. I like your class too much and well....you."

That seemed to ease his nerves as he now smiled warmly at the brunette. "I'm glad, honey. You had me worried." He rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed by his outburst

"How about you come by my place later and stay the night since we both seem pretty tense." She suggested to which he gladly agreed

Claire was in the middle of cooking stir fry at the stove in the kitchen when there was a knock at the door. "It's open!" She called out, focusing on the pan in front of her. Elvis entered the cozy little loft and closed the door behind him, taking a deep breath and walking to the kitchen. "Smells great, darling." He sets down a duffle bag on the floor next to the island

"Thank you, baby." Claire stirred the rice and sizzling vegetables. She picked up three eggs that were on the counter by the sink and cracked them into the pan, tossing the shells into the trash can. She flinched slightly at feeling a pair of thin yet well toned arms wrap around her waist

Elvis nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck and brushed his lips against her sensitive skin, smirking at hearing her softly moan. His manhood pressed against her ass which made her flustered

"Not while I'm cooking." She turned her head slightly to look at him, a glint of mischief in his dazzling blue eyes. "Maybe after dinner then." He mumbled lowly and left one last kiss on her neck

Once the stir fry was all done and they had their fair share of food, Claire was laying on the couch under a blanket with Elvis watching a movie. She glanced at him when he moved a hand down to her thigh. "How about we head to your room and fool around for a bit?"

"I don't know, I'm a little tired." Claire cuddled into the blanket and looked back at the tv

Elvis noticed she was acting a bit closed off. "What's wrong, honey? You know I'll be gentle."

Claire sighed as she sat up and ran a hand through her mildly tangled hair. "I don't want to be intimate with you because I'm a virgin, Elvis. It's embarrassing..."

"Aw, no need to feel embarrassed about it. I'm sorry for pressin', ok? Whenever you feel like you're ready, let me know." Elvis opened his arms for her to lay back down with him, Claire sinking down and backing up against Elvis who kept a firm but gentle hold on his girl

Around midnight, Claire and Elvis felt it was time for them to head upstairs and not prolong their need to sleep anymore. Elvis grabbed his duffle bag that was still in the kitchen before following Claire to the bedroom, the two of them changing into their sleepwear. Claire had put on a lavender nightgown with small white flowers and Elvis had put on a white tank top and pair of briefs. She laid down on the right side of the bed and he occupied the left, snuggling up to each other under the covers and sharing a kiss as they got comfortable

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