Chapter 1: I WHAT?!

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The Sun had set, and the Moon had risen. It's glowing light gleamed on the tablet, making the night start for the museum. Everyone started moving around, just anywhere, but two little tiny men had other ideas than just "anywhere".

"Hello, Jedediah!" Octavius said. "Howdy, Ockie! Ready to play with Rexy?" Jedediah asked, tipping his hat as he pointed to their RC car. "More ready than ever!" Octavius beamed. "Last one there is a rotten egg!" Jed said as he pat Octavius' shoulder and ran to the car. Octavius laughed and ran chasing after him, then getting in their car and started driving.

"WOOO!!!" Jedediah exclaimed in excitement, driving the car around like a madman with a gleeful smile. "YEAHHH!" Octavius yelled with Jed, laughing. Rexy chased them until he saw Larry, then chasing after him instead of the miniatures.

"Woo, that was fun!" Jedediah said, fixing his cowboy hat. "Indeed, my friend!" Octavius chuckled, taking his helmet off. He then wiped some sweat off of his forehead. Jed's eyes widened a little a the sight of Octavius without his helmet off.

"Woah..." Jedediah thought. Then, a sharp funny feeling went through his chest.

"!" he made a noise that sounded surprised, putting his hand over his heart. "Jedediah, are you alright?" Octavius asked, worried. He put his hand on Jedediah's arm, trying to comfort him in a way. Jedediah felt another funny feeling from this action, followed by a fast heartbeat.

"I dunno! I'm gettin' the weirdest feelings in my chest right now!" Jedediah answered. "It's alright! I will help you through this!" Octavius declared. Jedediah could feel his face warm up while getting butterflies in his stomach. "ACK- It spread to my stomach!!" Jedediah let go of his chest and clutched his stomach. Octavius looked at him for a few seconds.

"Jed, your face is turning red." he sighed. "maybe there's some medical problem. but it could also be... something else..." Jedediah turned to him.

"Somethin' else? What exactly do you mean 'somethin' else'?" Jedediah asked, confused. "I think you might be in love with someone." Octavius confronted him. Jed's eyes widened.

"Love?! No, no, no, I know nothin' about love!" Jedediah exclaimed, looking down at his chest. "It's all right, Jed. You don't need to know anything about it. Just give it time to think over. I may even be wrong, and perhaps you are just sick." Octavius was rethinking his assumptions. "Yeah. Maybe." Jedediah muttered. He knew damn well it wasn't a medical problem, because immediately after Octavius rethought his claim, he stopped feeling those funny feelings in his stomach and chest. And the fast heart rate. ...And the redness to the face. ...And the heat he was feeling...

"Well, I think I'll need some time alone to think about it," Jedediah said as he opened the car door. "I'll see ya in a little, Ockie."

"I'll see you soon. Do get better soon if you're sick." Octavius shot a look that showed he was unsettled. Jedediah then felt his heartbeat go faster. "Uh, yup! Thanks!" Jedediah said, getting out of the car.

Jedediah decided to take a walk around the museum to think things off.

"Alrighty, Jedediah. You know that you ain't sick, but somethin's off." Jedediah thought. "All ya know is that whenever yer around Octavius, yer body starts doin' weird things. What could this even mean???" He walked around the museum, only paying attention to his weak knees and other odd symptoms, until he noticed he was at the help desk. He saw Larry talking to Teddy and Sacagawea.

"Howdy, Gigantors!" Jedediah exclaimed. The three ducked their heads down to see Jedediah. "And Gigantess," Jedediah bowed. Sacagawea smiled. "I got myself a problem. Do ya' think y'all could help?"

"Jed, I swear if you put a hole in your diorama you are in big trouble." Larry sighed. "Naw, I didn't do nothin' like that," Jedediah said. "It's a different problem. My body's doin' all sortsa weird things!" The three thought for a second. "Well, like what?" Teddy asked, putting his hand down on the floor for Jedediah. He walked onto it, and Teddy lifted his hand.

"Well, first off, I'm gettin' weird pokey feelin's in my heart and stomach," Jedediah started, holding onto his chest/stomach area. "And then my hands're gettin' all clammy fer' no reason," He put his hands out in front of him, "And my heartbeat's goin' all crazy!" Jed flailed his arms, then fell back beside him. Larry, Teddy, and Sacagawea all looked at each other, then back down at Jed.

"And the strangest thing about it is that it's only happenin' when I'm around Octavius! Maybe something's goin' on with Ahkemrah's tablet." Larry's eyes widened, his eyebrows furrowing. Teddy's eyes widened, with no furrowing, while Sacagawea only had eyebrows furrowing. "What? Why're you lookin' at me like that?" Jed asked.

"Are you sure this has only happened around Octavius?" Sacagawea asked calmly and curiously. "Yeah! and sometimes when I think about him, too" Jed tilted his head to the right. "Oh my God, I thought this museum couldn't get any weirder," Larry murmured. "What?" Jedediah asked. "What he means is... you have feelings for Octavius." Sacagawea answered, gritting her teeth awkwardly. Jedediah's knees felt weak again. His pupils narrowed and seemed to flee from the expanding whites of his eyes.

"WHAT?!" he blurted, his face turning a blush-pink, "No, no, no, no, no" he repeated. He started walking in little circles in Teddy's palm. "Don't worry, boy!" Teddy spoke, "Tis but love! It happens!" "Yeah, well, usually not when a man has love towards another man!!" Jedediah said, his face red not only because of the thought of Octavius but also in annoyance/anger at himself.

"Woah, Jed, calm down," Larry said, his eyes still wide and eyebrows still furrowed. "Don't tell me to calm down!" Jedediah exclaimed, furious. "I'm curious, what is it that makes you think that it's not right for a man to love another man?" Sacagawea asked, yet again very calmly. "Look, I was only raised that way, it's just how I learned about things," Jedediah explained. "Aw, God damn it! Now I'm startin' to think differently! Gigantor, would you say fags are acceptional?" "Woah there! Language!" Larry hollored, then cleared his throat awkwardly. "Just answer!!" Jedediah demanded. "Uh, yeah, a lot of people are gay, and our country's cool with it, mostly." Larry uttered nervously. Jedediah made a long pause, causing an awkward silence.

"Oh, boy, I-I'm gonna need some time alone to think on this..." Jedediah muttered, swallowing as his throat tightened and his hesrt started beating fast. "That's just fine." Sacagawea reassured. "Yes! it is totally understandable, as this is something new that you've never experienced!" Teddy agreed, putting his hand on the help desk so Jedediah could walk off. "Yeah, no, that's fine, Jed. If you need any help with this, I'm sure everyone would be happy to help. I mean, other than Octavius, but you know what I mean." Larry said, clearing his throat out.

The sun was about to rise, and everyone went back to their proper places. Jedediah walked to his normal spot. "They better be wrong" Jedediah muttered, before getting into position. Just as he made a pose, the sun had risen, officially starting the day, or, ending the day. Whichever makes more sense.

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