Nicknames From Them to You

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"I'm busy, I don't exactly have time for this. ... Are you asking me what I call the human? By their name, of course. ... I would never in my life call them Pup. I don't even know where you would have gotten that from."

"Hey, hey! Don't go bringin' Panda's name into this! ... Huh? You just wanna know why I call them that? You blind or somethin'? I mean, even I can see that the bags under their eyes are bigger than the ones Asmo carries."

"N-n-nickname? For that normie human?! No way! I don't have a nickname for Nōma! ... AGH!!! P-pretend I didn't say anything! Be-because I didn't! I don't have a name for that normie, no way no how!"

"Hmm? What I call the human? I don't really see why that's important. ... Why is the school paper writing an article about this, exactly? ... This doesn't make much sense, but aright. I call them Sonnet. I think it fits them nicely."

"Hm? You want to know the context behind Cutie's nickname? ... Well, I just think that they're cute! They're very feisty, too. Maybe I should call them Kitten instead~ ... *mumbling* Wait, no, don't I already call someone that...?"

"Are you talking about Peanut? ... They're okay. ... Why do I call them that? I don't know. I like peanuts, and I like them too, I guess. They always give me the food they don't eat. And they showed me this one human that ate over one hundred hotdogs in eight minutes. It was cool."

"Ugh, them... That human is annoying. They're lucky Lucifer caught up before I... eh? Paper-friendly? ... ... ... Lamb. I guess that's what I would call them. I'm surprised Beel hasn't turned them into a lamb chop..."

"Oh, the little Cherub is a delight to be around. They seem to be enjoying themself quite nicely here. ... Why do I call them that even though a cherub is an angel? Well, Cherub is very sweet, but also loyal. Also the little pictures of cherubs from the Renaissance are adorable."

"Yes, I know of the young human very well. Lord Diavolo enjoys checking in on them any time that he can. ... I don't usually address the human myself, though if I do I tend to call them Echinacea, or just Echi. ... Why? They enjoy the tea that contains the flower. I had never tried it before they introduced it to the young master and I, and I enjoyed it quite nicely. It was very refreshing."

"Nicknames for the human? Hmm... I suppose I've never really thought of any, I have always just used their name. They really are wonderful, though - Luke looks up to them quite a lot. ... You want me to make a name for them, right now? Well, if I am to be honest, I have thought of calling them Bumble Bee, or just Bee for short. ... No, calling them just Honey seems a little too intimate. *mumbling* For now, anyways."

"G-get back, demon! I know how to fight, I s-swear! ... The human? Oh! You mean Meri? It's short for meringue! ... Why I call them...? W-well, uh, we're in the same Home Economics class! And! That was the first thing we made together and it turned out really well! *whispering* Also, i-it would be a little awkward to call them my big sibling..."

"Hmm... why are you needing this information again? ... I don't quite believe you. No matter. I never tend to use a name for them, though if I had to choose one that I have called would be Bunny. ... Don't give me that look. If you saw their face the first day I met them then you would know what I mean."

"Get out of my face, Meph. ... Huh? Buttercup? I dunno why I call them that, it just slipped out once and I liked it. They didn't seem to mind either. ... Oh - shut up! You're never allowed to sit with us at lunch, ever. ... Wait, weren't you kicked out of the News club?! Don't run away, asshole, answer my question!"

(might add meph, raph, 13 eventually? idk)

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