The beginning

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So, when I was 6, my sisters Yelena and Natasha and I were taken by the Red Room and Hydra. After 8 years, I became one of their top widows, alongside Natasha and Yelena. Hydra even tested the super soldier serum on me as part of the Super Soldier Widow project but it wasn't that effective on me so I only had half the strength. It was intense, but I was determined to keep fighting.

Yeah, it was a crazy situation. Yelena and Natasha aren't my biological sisters, but we were all taken away as kids and grew up together. It felt like a real family, but in reality, Alexei Shostakov and Melina Vostokoff were just agents from Hydra and the Red Room. Yelena and Natasha were just kids like me, taken away by Drakoff.

Hydra had stolen Loki's scepter and used it to select three individuals: the Maximoff twins and me. We were put in a room with the mind stone inside the scepter, which could unleash our powers and make us stronger. Wanda and I both have telekinesis, energy manipulation, and the ability to read thoughts and give nightmares to our targets. It's pretty intense, but we're learned to control our abilities.

It was wild. Pietro had this crazy power to vibrate his atoms super fast and it actually made him travel forward in time. His molecular speed was off the charts, so he kinda got displaced from the regular time and space and shot himself into the future. It was mind-blowing.

And you know what? The three of us, me, Wanda, and Pietro, became really close. Even though I was a couple of years younger, we got along so well. But then, Hydra caught wind that the Avengers were planning an attack. Dreykov didn't want any part of it, so all the widows, including me, had to move to a different base. The Red Room cut ties with Hydra completely.

It was tough for me, though. I had to leave the only good friends I had ever known.

Yeah, it's crazy how things turned out. After several years, the Avengers finally shut down Hydra, and Natasha and Yelena managed to take down the Red Room, or so they thought. They were searching for me and the other widows, but Dreykov hid us in a different base. It was like a hidden fortress. For two long years, they tried their best to find us, but eventually, they lost hope and decided to join the Avengers. It was a tough for them....

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