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"Maybe perhaps he does belong with him. Little Mister Living, with his rosy cheeks and beating heart."

"What if he doesn't like me?" Finland stared at the floor of the carriage. He felt tired and anxious. A disgusting Mix of feelings."Don't be ridiculous. Why would he not like you? You are a good looking young man. Better looking then most of the people in this stupid village if you ask me." Finland's eyes followed a little spider on the floor. He still didn't want to look into his Mother's face. Not now. Maybe not even later. It was her fault that he was stuck in this disgusting old smelling suit in the first place. "What if he doesn't like my- personality?" - "Oh Fin please," Now she sounded almost annoyed "Everyone knows that looks are much more important then personality. Would you drink milk from an ugly cow?" - "if the milk is go-" - "No you wouldn't!" His mother gave him a disapproving sideways glance before looking out of the window again. The spider now began crawling up his Mom's dress and Finland couldn't help but smile. "What are you smiling at?" Of course, the woman catched him looking at the spider. "Oh Nothing. You are looking stunning in this dress, Mother." She looked at him for a few more seconds. Probably trying to figure out if he actually meant it or was just joking. She sighed and rolled her eyes before leaning back. The setting sun made her dark brown hair look almost chocolate like. She looked stunning. Finland was the only person in the family with dirty white hair. Even his father who passed away years ago had the "steriotypal" brown Nordic hair. Was he jealous? Oh dear God No. It made him feel special in some way. The man watched the spider crawl under his mother's dress and he couldn't help but let out a satisfied giggle.

"Do you have the ring? Please Finland, tell me you have the ring!" Finland rolled his eyes and pulled a small golden ring out of his pocket before holding it up to her face. "Yes, Mother. I am not stupid." - "Don't forget! Everything has to go according to plan. Do you even have an idea of how much money these people have? I can almost smell it." The only thing that Finland could smell was the horses and the weird smell of burned food. "If you really want money why don't you marry a rich man? I don't under-uff-" His mom smashed her elbow into Fin's side leaving a stinging pain. "Unbelievable." He mumbled as he watched his mother walk up the stairs to the big mansion in front of them. Finland followed trying to catch up with the wild woman in front of him. His mom was tall. Taller then him and that surely means something. The only person Fonland knew who was taller then his Mom was his dad. A harsh looking old man. Much older then his Mother. He passed away in his sleep one night after choking down the content of a particularly big bottle of "Findeldunt's finest vodka". Fin remembered laughing about the ridiculous name on the bottle. In a dark way it was hilarious that a man called "Findeldunt" caused his father's Death.
"Finland", his mother hissed "Did you hear what I said?" Finland looked up into his Mother's face. It was the first time he looked at her more closely this evening. She was a pretty Woman but there was something in her eyes. Something Fin couldn't really point out. Pride? Sadness? She had a face made out of stone. "No. I am sorry Mother." He admitted and looked back down. "I said stand straight! You look like you would fall over any second."
The big door in front of them opened. His mom almost knocked him down while trying to find the best looking posture in 3 seconds and eventually decided to put her arm around her son who could feel her sharp hipbone pressing into his side.
The door was opened by a tall looking woman. Finland immediately noticed how oh so fake her smile looked and how she looked Finland up and down as if he was a cow, arriving to be slaughtered. She put her hands above her heart and sighed almost Oscar worthy. "I am sooo thrilled to finally meet you!" - "Oh so am I. The letters you sent me didn't even nearly describe how gorgeous you look!" The woman in front of them laughed. For Finland it sounded almost theatrical but maybe he just spent too much time with his mother. "And you must be Finland, huh?" Finland immediately fixed his posture and smiled. "Yes, that's right. It's an honor to meet you Miss!" She giggled. "Oh such a well behaved young man!" He could hear his mom letting out a breath she was holding. "Oh yes Sweden will like you for sure! Come in! Come in! It's cold outside isn't it?"
The inside of the mansion was as big as it looked from the outside. The small couches in the middle of the lobby were so small they seemed out of place and surrealistic. "Why don't we enjoy a cup of tea with my Husband while we talk about everything that needs to be talked about, mhm?" - "Oh yes of course. Better be prepared~" They both giggled. Fin rolled his eyes. Disgusting. He stood still watching the two, still talking in almost pitched high voices, leaving the room and entering, what Finland guessed to be, the Dinningroom. Unsurprisingly they didn't even notice that he wasn't following. Too deep into their fake conversation. He sighed, watching them dissappear out of sight before looking around once more. He wondered if he will have to move here after the marriage and he immediately pushed away the thought. He would go insane. The big room was dark and the small chandelier hanging from the ceiling looked almost pathetic trying to give the room at least a some light. He felt lost in the big room and suddenly he was wishing to be back in his warm bed without any expectations of his money lusting mother. He walked into the middle of the room. His lonely footsteps sounded almost as pitiful as he felt. His hands running over the dust free couches. They cleaned well, he had to admit but then again, they looked brand new and Finland couldn't imagine that anyone would like to sit here out of their own free will, so their probably wasn't alot of dirt to clean up in the first place. He chuckled to himself at the thought of someone sitting on the leather couch staring at the wood wall in front. Fin turned around, squinting into the direction he came from, when a big object on the other side of the room suddenly caught his attention. It was hard to see under the poor chandelier light and if it wasn't for the dirty gray, it probably used to be white years ago, cover over it, Finland probably wouldn't even have noticed it. "Could it be?" He pulled the cover from the object with a smooth hand movement and almost immediately started a coughing fit as the dust invaded his lungs. It seemed like this thing wasn't cleaned in months. The exact opposite of the other objects in the room. He wondered why. Was it not working anymore? He pulled up the keylid and pressed one of the many keys. A high tone filled the room for only a millisecond. Fin raised his eyebrows in confusion. So it did in fact work. he turned around, looking for any servants or maids who maybe could tell him why exactly the piano looked so out of use but there was noone to be seen. The room looked as cold and dark as minutes before. He raised his eyebrows surprised. This was a rich family, wasn't it? The house should be full with people who worked for them. Finland wasn't sure what to think of his discovery. Maybe they just didn't want to hire anyone. He shouldn't jump to conclusions, his mom always told him. It was a bad habit,he knew but one he couldn't help. The piano stool felt cold under him. Almost uncomfortable if it wasn't for the softness of it. He sank into it and let out a satisfied sigh, as he let his fingers run over the cold white keys. He used to play alot as a child but once his dad died, Finland's mom decided that he had to grew up and that playing piano was something children do. He never understood her but if there is one thing he knew, it was that his mom doesn't like to argue with him or he would get in serious trouble.
"Excusw me but- you are Finland, aren't you?" Finland jumped up, hitting the keylid with his hands, which in respond, slammed down on them. He let out a terrified scream, trying to pull his fingers out of the piano. "Ah- yes- ", He stuttered after finally getting his hands free. "I am! And you are?" He turned around, still rubbing his burning hands. In front of him stood a young man. His hands were hidden behind his back and he stood tall and proud. A sweet smile on his face. "I am Sweden. It is nice to meet my future husband before- you know the whole rehearsal thing." - "F-Future- rehearsal? oh god-" He bowed in such a hectic manner, his head almost hitten the floor. "I am so sorry. I know that must've been the worst first impression ever. Please be assured, this won't happen again." Sweden giggled. His hands reaching for Finlands shoulders, trying to pull him up. "Oh please don't bow for me. I am nothing but a simple man." Finlands hands reached for his. "I do not think my fiancé is a simple man. You know-", He leaned against the piano, clearing his throat "not everyone deserves me." Sweden laughed. His laugh sounded warm. It reminded Finland of home. "Well then, thank you for the compliment, Finland." Finland reached for Sweden's right hand, pulling it to his mouth, leaving a soft kiss on the back of it. "Oh please, call me Fin." Sweden pushed his hair behind his ear with his free hand. A soft blush plastering his cheeks "Alright-", he whispered softly "Thank you Fin." And it was heaven. "Are your nervous?" Finland asked. His eyes on Sweden's blue hand he still had in his own. "Because of the rehearsal?" Sweden answered and continued as Finland nodded. "A little bit.", He replied honestly. "It's my first time after all you know." And winked at him. Fin chuckled. "If only I would get my vows right."
"Finland!!" They didn't even notice the door of the Dinningroom swinging open. Neither did they hear the chatter of their mothers but now, they immediately jumped apart. "You know that it is bad luck to meet before the marriage rehearsal!" Finland's mom hissed. It looked almost funny seeing her run through the half empty room in her long dress that made her slip every two steps, if it wasn't for her angry grimace. "Sweden!" Sweden's mother right behind her. They were clearly in rage. "You were supposed to stay in your room! I clearly told you to stay. In. There." Sweden swallowed behind him. "I am sorry mom. I was just-" "It's my fault!" Finland interrupted him. "I was playing on the piano. He came down to investigate." - "You should learn to not touch things that do not belong to you!", Sweden's mother hissed "and you better go back to your room before I forget myself!" He felt sweden's hand on his back for a second. "See you at the rehearsal." He whispered and heaven left him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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》Unlovable《 ●Estonia×Finland×Sweden● CorpseBrideAUWhere stories live. Discover now