Chapter 7: The Deal Changes

Start from the beginning

"You sure?"

Andy smiled at him in hopes of reassuring him that she was okay.  Jasper didn't fully believe her, but he let it go for the moment.  Andy took Jasper's hand and led him over to where her brothers and Cas were sitting before sitting down on the loveseat, pulling Jasper down next to her so she could cuddle with him. Castile looked at the young huntress and noticed that the handprint around her throat looked painful.

"Andronika," Cas said, gaining her attention, "Would you like me to heal you?"

Andy nodded at her angel friend who sat across from her with Esme on his lap.  Esme got up so her mate could help the young huntress.  Just like Gabriel had done a few weeks before, Cas placed his two fingers against her forehead and seconds later when he pulled away, the bruise and split lip were healed.

"There you go firecracker," Cas said in a teasing manner.

"Thanks Cassie," Andy said teasing the angel back.

Cas playfully glared at the female huntress while Dean and Sam laughed at the two, their mates smiling at them. It wasn't much longer till Andy was sitting on Emmett's lap, then on Edward's lap to finally fall asleep in Carlisle's arms.  When Dean saw his sister asleep he offered to take her to her room but when he went to pick her up, everyone was shocked to see that Andy was pointing her gun at Dean's forehead.  However, Castile, Dean, and Sam were not shocked one bit.

"Move me from Carlisle's lap, Dean and I will shoot you," Andy mumbled in her sleep, this wasn't the first time she had threatened Dean with a gun.  "Let me spend the most of my remaining time left with them."

This confused everyone besides her brothers, Castile and Gabriel since they were the only ones who knew about her deal.  Dean removed his arms from around Andy and went back to sitting next to Alice.

"What did Andy mean when she said 'the most of her remaining time left'?" Edward asked as he wasn't able to read Castile's mind or the three siblings minds thanks to Gabriel.

"That is Andy's story to tell," Dean said.

"She'll tell you when the time is right." Sam says as Rose sits on his lap.

Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, and Jasper all looked at their mate and wondered what secret she could be hiding. They all silently agreed that they wouldn't ask her what she meant about her statement. The following morning Andy woke up laying on Edward's chest in his room. Edward looked down at Andy when he noticed that she was awake.

"Good morning beautiful," Edward said as he looked down at her.

"Good morning, handsome," Andy said as she leaned up and captured Edward's lips in a loving kiss.

Edward growled lowly into the kiss before flipping them, so Andy was on her back, her arms pinned next to her head.  She let out a gasp of excitement as Edward began to kiss her neck, his hands roaming her body feeling every inch of her. Andy lifted her hips up to meet Edward's and brush her covered core against his hardening cock.  At Andy's teasing Edward started grinding his hips against her covered core. He wanted to complete the bond with her, but he also wanted to wait till they were married.  However, the pair were interrupted by a knock on the door followed by Dean's voice.

"Hey! Keep it in your pants, Eddie boy," Dean calls from the other side of the door. "It's time for you guys to get ready for school."

Andy groaned in frustration since all she wanted to do was curl up with her mates in bed and be with them. Edward chuckled before he kissed her forehead.

"Come on, love. Let's get ready before your brother barges in here," Edward said.

Andy nodded and got out of bed. After she showered and got ready, she made her way to the kitchen to see someone that made her blood run cold.  Crowley was standing there with her brothers and Castile.

"Hello spitfire," Crowley said as soon as he saw Andy.

Andy looked over and saw all her mates standing just behind her eyeing the man who smelled of brimstone.  Closing her eyes she turned her attention back to the demon standing in front of her.

"Hello Crowley, aren't you a few years early?" Andy asks, as she crosses her arms across her chest. 

"That's what we need to talk about," he said.

Andy looked back at her mates again before speaking.

"Go on to school and work guys.  I'll meet you three at school as soon as I can. I have something important to talk about with Crowley and my brothers," Andy says.

Her mates nod not wanting to leave her alone with someone they didn't trust but from how the siblings and Castile were being secretive they knew that she'd tell them in time. Once the siblings were alone, Andy looked at Crowley knowing that things in her contract had changed.

"When's the new date." Andy asks as she avoids looking at the demon.

"Middle of September," Crowley says.

Andy, Castile, Dean and Sam all looked at the demon in shock. It was now March and September was only seven months away. Andy sat down on the couch placing her face in her hands.  She thought she was going to have a few more years with her mates, but now she only has a little more than a half year left with them.

"They don't know, do they?" Crowley asks.

Andy looked down at her lap, her eyes glistening with tears. Her face dark and somber.

"No they don't know yet. I thought I'd have a few more years with them before I would have to tell them," Andy says, her voice cracking.

Both Dean and Sam couldn't help but feel sorry for their sister.  If Sam hadn't died, she would have never had made the deal with Crowley in the first place.  But who was she kidding, Andy would still have made the deal regardless. After all, John instilled into his daughter that she needed to look after her older brothers because they were both reckless. She just felt like she received the short end of the stick.

"Once the school year is over, before summer vacation.  That's when I'll tell them," Andy said as she got up, grabbed her backpack and left for school.

Dean and Sam looked at each other feeling sorry for their sister.  They knew that once her mates found out about her deal it would devastate them.

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