Chapter 8: Car Accident and Hospital Visit

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When Andy arrived at school she had to park across the parking lot from her mates as that was the only place left to park. Making her way to her second period class that she had with Edward and Jasper, all she could think about was the conversation she had just had with Crowley. She didn't know why Lucifer had changed her deal but she figured that it had to do with her having his blood inside her.  Just like the yellow eyed demon gave his blood to Sam giving him the ability to have visions, Andy was able to create electricity throughout her entire body because of Lucifer's blood.

Throughout the morning Edward, Emmett and Jasper noticed that Andy was distracted and she wasn't her usual self.  This worried her mates but Andy told them that that it was hunter's business and that they didn't need to know.  All three of them looked at each other knowing that there was more but they let it go, not wanting to piss off their mate.

It was now time for lunch and Andy was sitting on Emmett's lap with Edward sitting on her right and Jasper on her left. Andy was still quiet as she picked at her lunch. This caused more concern for her mates to where they eventually had to ask what was wrong. 

"Andy," Edward said causing the female hunter to look up at him. "What's wrong, love?  You've been quiet all morning. Is everything okay?"

Andy looked up at her mind reading mate and nodded while giving a small smile.

"Yeah, just wasn't expecting Crowley to visit this morning," Andy explained.

"Who is he darling," Jasper asked as he sensed her uneasiness.

"A demon," Andy said. "Crowley is the leader of the crossroad demons."

"What do you mean by "crossroad demons"," Emmett asked.

"It's exactly as it sounds," Andy said before getting up and taking her tray of untouched food and threw it out before walking out of the cafeteria.

Unaware to the female huntress, Isabella was watching and plotting to get rid of her so she could be with Edward.

It was now the end of the day and Andy was still quiet.  Her mind still on what she was told that morning. Andy made her way to her car once school was over and after telling her mates that she was going to go on a hunt. As Andy dug through her bag by her car, her mates stood by Edward's car watching her. It was then that the sound of a car losing control caused Andy to look up and turn around just to see Tyler's van losing control and heading right for her. Looking quickly across the lot, Andy could see the fear on her mate's faces and a second later Edward was pulling her down and stopping Tyler's van just a few feet from hitting his mate as the back end of Tyler's van hit Andy's car.

Andy locked eyes with her mate before allowing him to pull her safely into his arms. She would never admit it but if Edward hadn't saved her she could have died and ended up in Hell a lot sooner than planned. Unknown to Andy and her mates, Isabella saw what Edward had done and was fuming that Tyler's van hadn't killed the young huntress.

At the hospital Andy sat on a hospital bed as a nurse checked her out. Not even a minute later the doors burst open and Dean and Sam came running into the ER.

"Andy," Dean said as he reached his sister's side and pulled her into a tight hug before Sam did the same thing.

"I'm okay guys, Edward saved me," Andy said.

"Andronika," Sam started to say but was cut off when the doors to the ER opened and a man in his early forties walked in with Isabella following behind him.

"Hello Miss Winchester, I'm Police Chief Swan. Bella told me you were in some sort of accident," he said.

"You might want to talk to Tyler, his breaks were sabotaged and I'm betting your bitch of a daughter had something to do with it. She doesn't like it that I'm dating a guy she wants," Andy said as she glares at the Swan girl.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 24 ⏰

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