𓆝 Chapter 2 Sky𓆟

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I woke up seeing the sky, recalling what happened to me, I jolted up from my position sitting up looking left and right in where I am are.

Looking left and right , I saw nothing but blue and white clouds 'where the fuck am i',

I thought confused and concerned in how you I got here

I stood up and shouted "HELLO!?!" in hope somebody would Hear me 


I jolted at the response, looking behind you seeing a male your (E/c) looking at him in up and down fright too scared to say anything 

"sorry to surprise you, but your probably wondering why your here, yes? "

I nodded my head in a yes

"Mmm well this is a place where you can be reborn"

"what.." I replied confused in what he was talking about

'Is he high?, or am I high?, but I don't even do drugs?' I rambled inside my head

"reborn you can be reborn... , like you can be born into the same world where you belong or you can just go to another world if you'd like" the male tried to explain to you, but your pea brain was tried processing what he said

"oh um.. Okay? " you responded with a confused tone and expression

"so what kind of world would you wanna be reborn to?" the man asked you with a slight smile, gently crossing his arms

"Ohh.. Uhm.. Maybe somewhere with powers?.. "I responded still confused on what was happening, because it is not everyday that this happens

"Nice choice, but may ask y/n why you chose to be born in that kind of world? " the male questioned

"Well.. I'm gonna be honest my world is so plain but fun.. But it's really fucked up and boring, and you know that shit hole called school yeah no I dont wanna go back there,
I wanna go somewhere, where people have these amazing powers and a cool island.."
I answered with kid like grammar because I lost some braincells from that hit

" Hmm yeah i guess ill take that answer, okay I've got just the perfect world for you! "

" yeah its nice you've found a perfect world for me and all,.. But what were you going to put me if you didn't like my answer? You asked curious on what he would reply

" well y/n lets just say that id put you back to your world" the man exclaimed happily with a grin

"Didn't I just tell you I dont wanna go back there!?!,.. Well i'm glad that I didn't fuck up my explanation" I sigh in relief but mad at his reply at the same time

"but how do you know my name?" I asked

"well I'm the one who's going to send you to another world shouldn't it be sensible to know your name before hand?" he reassured with an eye smile putting his hand on top of his other and I nodded in agreement

"Hmm but before I send you there, would you like some elemental like
powers and wield any kind of
weapon?.. And a little bit of power " the man asked but you failed to hear the last line

"Really you'd give me that kind of power?!?" I grinned happy 'There isn't a way I'm backing out of that offer' you thought happily, as a grin slowly grew on your lips

"yes I really really would" the man laughed 

"Why would you give it to me anyway?" you asked

"just because I feel like it" the chimed

'your a special case.. I don't know why the God's order me to do this, This is the first time they told me to do in my work' the boy thought and frowned a little not too noticeable for you to be asking

"Well if you haven't been told, your really kind you know that" I compliment and smiled

The man laughed a little and darkened a little in recalling those times when other people gave him shitty answers to be reborn being rich and ruling the world in result sending them back to their world

"Thank you, now let's send you to your requested world, shall we? " the man grinned happy, as he summons a white staff and facing you, and starts focusing on white power, as white engulfs you


Then it all went black

(well it looks like you got sent to another world hooray for you 🥳
Looks like he gave you those powers for free because he 'he just feels like it' 🤭 short but long chapter yes )

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