avoiding him.

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i started not talking to sonny alot just because he could be liking uki and im in the way clinging onto him.Even if he knew it would be useless.4 years of giving hints was hard.i hope he will understand

next day

i walked into the classroom tired and feeling dizzy.i was up all night doing my homework,i barely got any sleep.i sat at my seat and puts my head on the desk with my phone in my hand.i closed my eyes and drove into slumber....i woke up  with uki saying my name."huh..? uki? whats wrong..?" "are you fine alban..?" he asked worried."i-im fine just a little dizzy." i said weakly.."alban want to go to the nurses office?" "no no im fine.." i smiled as i saw sonny and fulgur comes in.i put my head back into my arms on the table.I could hear sonny and fulgur coming up to us.

i could hear their conversation

Sonny:uki is alban ok..? he looks tired. 

Uki:alban is unwell right now..

Sonny:WAIT WHAT lets bring him to the nurses office-

Fulgur:alban just said he doesnt want too

Sonny:oh- well then rest well albanya 

sonny said that as he patted my head "get well soon alban." if only i knew he was blushing while saying that.I wanted to cry so bad.why cant he be mine.I nearly cried.the teacher came in and i woke up and they ran to their seats.

i could not concentrate in class thanks to my dizzieness.when it was recess everyone gathered to my table and westarted to eat...but i didt want too..i just putted my head there exhausted.i took out my medication and wet back to sleep.Uki said "he's so cuteeeeeeeeeeee i want to pet him sso baddd" uki told me when he said that sonny was glaring at him with an angry expression.

sonny stood up and sat beside me,he kissed my hair and started blushing.

Uki's pov

me and fu chans plan are going well~ next pln make alban confessed to sonny.He definetly likes alban back.i walked to sonny and said "you jealous~?"sonny looked away and said "no no not" me and fulgur laughed. we have to sort this out to ease albans pain.

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