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tw: mentions of death, environmental issues

written on: january 12, 2023


it stands and i stand next to it

tall and proud above the smog

the both of us

the river lies at our feet

polluted and gray

hopeless and dying

don't you see what you've done? i scream

how can you stand so tall, with this destruction at your feet?

the smokestack never answers

i hit it

fists and feet and legs and arms meeting impossibly unforgiving concrete

why don't you blame yourself?

don't you see what you've done?

the walk back to campus is silent and tearful

the river is moving but it is not alive

not like it used to be

not like i used to be

from a warch window i glare at the smokestack

although my anger is fleeting

from far away it looks different

it seems to droop

curl in on itself

perhaps it did not answer because it cannot speak

or perhaps it doesn't know what to say

and i see it now

i see that it knows what it has done

perhaps it didn't mean for all of this to happen

it cannot control the damage it has already done

there is no use in tormenting it for the past

because the river is still dying

as are all of us, really

someday the smokestack will fall, just as i will

and perhaps things can grow again

perhaps things can live again

the river is dying, yes

and the smokestack has done its part to kill it

but perhaps the river is also being reborn

and perhaps the smokestack has done its part to transform it

and so i am at the smokestack again

looking up and up and up at the big, bold letters that traverse its front

a façade of strength

it's okay, i whisper

i forgive you

i forgive myself

poetry by wunderWhere stories live. Discover now