Chapter 7 - Friendship

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Luna had been very excited when Professor McGonagall had asked her to commentate the Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. It had been a beautiful day and excitement had hung in the air. It had of course been unfortunate that Ron was still in the hospital and Harry was not able to play the game he wanted to. It had been even more horrible when McLaggen had cracked Harry's skull with a Bludger. The rest of the game had quickly lost her interest. Especially seeing how upset it was making her friends.

She had tried her best to comfort Ginny, who had fought with Dean after the game. Her best friend had also been upset seeing Harry in the hospital wing. Luna knew the affection she felt towards him. She wondered whether Ginny could sense Harry's interest in her. Luna thought it was pretty obvious, but she knew better than to ask. Although she would never mince her words, she did understand when to leave something alone, especially matters of the heart.

What she hadn't expected after the match, was how many people had come up to her, laughing, telling her how horrible her commentating had been. She usually never let criticism get her down, but this hurt her. She had been proud of herself. Hadn't she entertained anybody? Kept on track with the truly important parts of the match? Professor McGonagall had told her afterwards that the score counted towards the important parts. Luna wasn't sure she agreed. But seeing the look on McGonagall's face and the dreadful comments her classmates left her, she doubted she would ever be asked again.

She decided that the best way to lift her mood was to spend some time outside. There was a clearing in the Forbidden Forest, close to Hagrid's hut that was a favourite spot of some of the small magical creatures. She would bring some of the creatures favourite snacks and if Hagrid was there, have a nice cup of tea. Armed with treats, she made her way out of the Common Room and into the hallway. To her surprise she nearly walked straight into Professor Dumbledore.

"Good morning Luna." He said in his soft voice, his blue eyes twinkling behind his half moon spectacles.

"Good morning Professor Dumbledore." She said brightly.

"Off to Hagrid's?" He asked, indicating his head towards her bag, where a toadstool was peaking out.

"Yes, I want to clear my head and feed the creatures." He looked at her thoughtfully.

"I liked your commentary during the match, you were delightful." She felt her cheeks redden.

"Thank you. You are the only one, it seems."

"Oh I doubt that very much. But if it were true, than I am glad we can both appreciate our world for the magical place it is." She smiled at him.

"That's a very kind thing to say."

"It's the truth." Professor Dumbledore said simply. "Before you go, can I ask you a favour?"

"Of course!"

"Would you deliver this to Harry?" He handed her a neatly tied scroll. "I am afraid I have an urgent meeting to get to."

"Of course!" And she took the letter, "I'll find him right away."

"Thank you Luna, that's very kind of you. Do give Hagrid my regards when you see him."

"I will. Bye Professor Dumbledore."

"Bye Luna."

And with that she turned and strode towards the Hospital Wing. On her way she bumped into a group of Hufflepuffs, that were obviously still elated about their win.

"Great commentary Loony. I've never heard such accurate descriptions of clouds." One of the students said as she passed. She didn't turn to look at them, letting their laughter fade away. Quite a few of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team had reprimanded her after the match. They had been trying to be as kind as possible, but their words had stung.

Emerald MoonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora