Chapter Eleven ~ "You have no idea"

Start from the beginning

Almost instantly I had a text from every boy in the band.

"From Chris🍀:
You just made your boyfriend cry, nice one😉 xxx" 8:18am

"From Jake☺️💛:

"From Casehhh👽:
Thank you for finally replying, see you later darling xxx" 8:19am

"From James💃🌙:
Hiya doll, Reece won't shut up, thank you for that😂😩 James xx" 8:20am

"From Barcs👑:
Good morning your majesty, see you later !!"

"From Tom👅:
You've sent Reece scatty, please come and collect him,
Yours sincerely, every person in this hotel x"

Tom's text was my favourite. I decided it took too much time to reply to them all considering I only had a little while before I had to meet them at the airport so I decided to browse Twitter instead.

I logged in when I was immediately ambushed by tweets and notifications. My mentions were so long I couldn't even keep track. I decided to investigate why I was so popular. I searched up the boys' page and glanced at their latest tweet.

"@StereoKicks: A tired and happy Reece is not a good combination😁🙈 - Tom" the video attached was of Reece running around the room with tears in his eyes. This warmed my heart.

I soon realised that many of the fans had linked that the boys were coming home today and that Reece was probably excited about that, hence the moderation of tweets.

I favourited and retweeted a few before locking my phone and placing it back on charge whilst changing for the boys.

I slipped the huge duvet off my body and stepped out onto the cold hardwood floor - the touch sending shivers down my spine. I pushed myself off the bed and tiptoe-ran across the bedroom to my en-suite bathroom where I threw off all my clothes and jumped into the steaming hot shower. It'd been clear from my 48 hour weekend with Mia that I didn't have time to shower and I didn't want to give that effect to the boys.

I successfully showered in a new record of 12 minutes before drying my body and getting changed into my white hollister jeans, grey atmosphere jumper and my timberlands. I dried my hair and curled the ends before grabbing my phone and making my way down to the kitchen.

"Morning, sleeping beauty" I was greeted by my older brother Hayden as I entered the kitchen. He was sat awkwardly at the kitchen island with his legs hung over the counter.

Hayden was 3 years older than me but he didn't really show it. In many ways he was younger than me! Firstly, his immaturity and secondly, his intelligence. He had street smarts but he wasn't highly intelligent - I got that family gene unfortunately. However, I loved him all the same.

"Morning" I yawned, joining him at the kitchen island, taking the nearest seat.

"What are you up to today?" He asked, stretching his arms up straight then at the elbow.

"Going to meet the lads at the airport then back to Charlie's" I smiled sweetly, twirling a strand of hair around my finger.

"Lads?" He replied, his head snapping up, his right eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, Charlie's mates" I replied, shifting awkwardly on my chair. Uncomfortable with the situation occurring with my older brother.

"Oh, them lads" he laughed, leaning back against the chair and smiling at me.

"What about you?" I questioned, getting up from my seat to get a bottle of water from the fridge.

"I'm meeting Hannah a bit later" he smirked, running his fingers swiftly through his hair.

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