Chapter 5: Unusual dream

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Aubrey looked concerned 

she felt like something was wrong 

but what was it?

"wh-who are you?" Aubrey stuttered as the girl turns and looks at Aubrey in the eye.

 "Mari? no, no, it cant be! she looks....different."  Aubrey closes her eyes in fear as the older version of Mari approaches her

"ah, I'm sorry, I must've startled you. Don't worry, I mean no harm" Mari said warmly, as Aubrey opens her eyes slowly.

"You probably know who I am, hehe" "Mari? but how are you so.."  Aubrey flinched as Mari  smile warmly "that's not Important for now.., there's something I have to tell you" Mari became serious "so..?" "something's bad gonna happen." "w-wha? huh??" Aubrey jumped as the white room she was in flickers from white to black "I don't have much time- whatever you do, cherish your friends because something will change everything" 

Aubrey then woke up with heavy breathing, processing what happened. Who was that girl? is that....Mari? but she looked more.....older, she thought as she headed to the bathroom. she stepped inside the clean bathroom that she cleaned yesterday night. "ah, this feels... a bit weird, hehe" she thought as she stared at the bathroom mirror. "school starts tomorrow, huh?" Aubrey noticed a shadow "what the-" "BOO!" she screeched as she looked back, it was kel? why was Kel here? "WOAH! KEL! DONT SUPRISE ME LIKE THAT!" Aubrey faced away "why are you in my house anyway? more like, HOW are you in my house?!" Aubrey questioned. "woah chill out Aubrey! your door was unlocked" "So you thought it was right for you to just- BARGE IN?! I'm in the BATHROOM KEL!" Aubrey screamed, as Kel stepped backwards, "look, sorry about that 'kay? I just wanted to talk about what happened yesterday." Kel explained "yesterday..? OH! when we bumped into a girl that looks like Mari?!" Aubrey answered. "Yeah! exactly! She even came into my dream about something that's going to change everything and stuff, she also told me to talk to you, so I did! just to get SHOUTED ON" Kel cleared up. "How was I supposed to know?! but meh, anyway.  " Aubrey giggled. Aubrey and Kel looked at each other awkwardly, "heyyyy sooo, i'm just- going to brush my teeth first-" Aubrey breaks silence. "AH! ofcourse!" kel replied while slowly walking backwards then running down the stairs feeling embarrassed.  

Aubrey closes the door while giggling. She then looks back at the mirror, seeing...some kind of creator. it looks like hair eye? "AKH!" Aubrey flinched. she then heard steps running up the stairs "Aubrey? you okay in there?" Kel concerned. "Stay infront of the door. don't go." Aubrey answered "wha-why?! that sounds so weird" Kel confused. "I'll explain later! Just- don't leave" Aubrey said as she brushes her teeth. She then walks towards the door and opens it "soooo ummm " "well that was fast? why did you made me wait anyway?" kel questioned. 
"I saw some kind of creature, I  don't know if it's just my halucinations or-" "DOES IT LOOK LIKE THIS?!" kel cutted Aubrey as he showed him a drawing. It looked just like what Aubrey saw. "how did you know?!" Aubrey confused. "I SAW IT WHEN I WENT TO THE BATHROOM TOO! I named it "something" cause it's just...something" Kel answered. They were both confused. why was this happening? HOW is this happening? "so let me get this straight, we saw the SAME dream AND the SAME something" Aubrey stated. "I heard that dreams actually have meanings for the you think...." the room suddenly went silent. not because they didn't know what to say. But because, a girl with long hair that looked like Mari is infront of the stairs, smiling...strangely.. "push me." the girl said. "w-what?! " Kel replied. "PUSH.ME.NO<>WA(&%" the girl said as Kel pushed her. "WHAT THE HECK KEL?!"  "SHE ASKED FOR IT! don't blame ME"

Aubrey and Kel both went silent as they looked down. They saw Mari laying down with a broken violin under her. "wait...a violin? a broken one..." Aubrey breaks the silence. "doesn't this look like.." Kel continued "The accident!" both Aubrey and Kel spoke. "but..why are we having these    dreams..? and halucinations? " Aubrey questioned. "I think I might know why.." Kel answered.

*authors note: sorry it's pretty short, i'm busy w school and all, but hope y'all liked this chapter even if it's short, Bye bye!*

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