Chapter One Hundred and Twelve

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"That's not usually the part people are worried about," he chuckled.

My face dropped when I realised that I would have to make a speech if I won in front of all these people. "Cheers for that, Niall," I scowled, taking a sip of my vodka lemonade in the hopes it would provide me with some liquid courage.

"You'll be fine!" he cackled. "You could talk for Newcastle, you."

"If yer think that, I think I'm gan need to take ya up to visit," I laughed. The chatter between us came to a natural end as the nominees for Best Song were being read. Probably because we were included in that category for Our Song.

"And the winner is... Rory Nightingale and Niall Horan, Our Song!"

The cameras immediately panned to us and my mouth dropped open in shock as my eyes landed on Niall, who only wore a massive grin. I stood from my chair and engulfed him in a tight hug before turning and hugging my manager. The two of us hastily made our way up to the stage to accept the award. The presenter passed me the microphone, which I immediately handed over to Niall, who let out a loud laugh.

"Rory's pretending like she's shy now," Niall announced, causing my face to flush a dark red and the entire room to erupt into laughter. "Uh, wow. Best song. Quite a shock this, ain't it?" I nodded. "I'd just like to start by thanking Rory first and foremost. When I first found out my mate Lewis Capaldi knew her, I begged him for months to introduce us. I was dying to do a song together and when we finally did, surprise, surprise, this little pocket rocket already had one written. The first time she played it for us both I knew it was going to be a hit and I just couldn't pass on it, so thank you for having me on the song."

My face grew warmer at his praise as I reluctantly accepted the microphone from him. "Whoa," I began as my eyes fell on the award clutched in my sweaty grip before rising back to the crowd, falling on a familiar mop of dark blonde hair. My brain short-circuited as I was unable to tear my gaze away, held by those blue eyes I fell in love with. I stammered into the microphone, unable to produce a coherent sentence but I was luckily brought out of it by a subtle nudge to the side by Niall. "Er, I w-want to thank Niall for agreeing to do the song with me, my manager, Helen and my label for all the continuous support and most importantly the fans for streaming Our Song. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. Thank you!"

"What was that about?" Niall asked quietly as we made our way back to our seats.

"Just nerves," I lied, shrugging the whole thing off. Luckily, he bought it.

"Oh my god, you're Rory Nightingale

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"Oh my god, you're Rory Nightingale."

I whipped my head around to find the source of the voice, my eyes meeting a pair of wide blue ones, belonging to someone I hadn't become acquainted with yet but had heard many stories about. "Tom, reet?"

Tom's face faltered as I spoke his name, much like mine had just hours earlier when I accepted my first award. "H-how?" he stuttered in confusion.

"Don't tell me the lads ain't told yer about us?" I gasped, feigning shock but it only served to confuse the blonde even more. "I'll take that as a no."

"What lads? I'm really confused," he muttered.


"Joe? Yous know each other?" Tom frowned as his eyes flickered between us, watching as his overexcited friend pulled me into the tightest hug he could muster.

"Hiya, pet," I whispered in his ear before we pulled away.

"Course, we know each other," Joe snickered, although one of his brows furrowed in confusion.

"I can't believe none of yous told your friend about me," I grumbled playfully, leaning into Joe's side as he slung his arm around my shoulders.

"What?" he laughed. "We bloody have! Tom, mate, this is Rory. Y'kna, Harlow's best friend?"

"W-wait, the Rory you were telling me about... is Rory Nightingale?" Tom gaped.

"Yes," Joe chortled. "Thought yer would've made the connection like!"

"Apparently not," I teased.

"You look stunning tonight, Rora," Joe told me softly as he pressed a brotherly kiss to my forehead.

"Cheers, Joey," I smiled, more at ease at that moment than I had been the entire night.

"Dean and Drew are dying to see yer," he commented. "I'll send 'em over if yer like?"

"That would be lush," I replied gratefully.

Joe's arm dropped back to his side as he slapped his opposite hand down on Tom's shoulder. "Ceemon, sern, we need to gan distract wor Sam," he instructed him.

"Sam? Why?" he frowned as he was led away by his mate.

"Rory!" Lewis's voice rang in my ear, causing me to jump out of my skin.

"Jesus fuckin' Christ, Lew!" I hissed, clutching my chest in fright. "Nob."

"Now, now," he grinned, hooking his arm in mine and beginning to lead me away.

"Hang on, where are yer taking me?" I protested. "Lewis!"

"You'll see now," he told me ominously.


"Where the fuck are they off?" I laughed as Drew and Dean slipped away from our small group.

"Probably to gan get another drink," Joe shrugged.

"I could do with another one, y'kna," I muttered, glancing down at the empty glass in my hands. "I'll gan catch them up."

"No!" he protested, grabbing my arm before I could leave.

"Er, why not?" I frowned. He was acting really strange.

"Don't yer have interviews after this?" he pointed out. "Ceemon now, don't wanna be fuckin' mortal doing 'em, d'ya?"

"Joe, what are yer on about?" I scoffed in bemusement. "I don't think ya've ever cared about whether I'm drunk or not doing an interview."

"Nah, but he's reet, Sam," Owain piped up from behind us. "Lay off the drinks for a little bit, eh?"

"Fine," I agreed reluctantly, although I was dying to protest. Locking eyes with my ex-girlfriend just a few hours prior had made me want to drink myself into oblivion, the way I had after we first split up but Joe's words rang true, no matter how out of place they were falling from his mouth.

"Sam, mate!"

I spun on my heel at the sound of Lewis' voice but I couldn't be prepared for what I was met with. A million years on earth couldn't prepare me to be eye-to-eye with her again. The girl who broke my heart after spending years trying to hold it together.

"This is-"

"Rory," I breathed.

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