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 The first time I met Luke he ate a worm.

"Whatcha doin'?" Elliott tilts her head curiously at the boy digging a hole. He'd been like this since recess began.

"I'm trying to find a worm." The curly haired boy states with an obvious tone. He seemed sure in his digging skills.

Squatting, she wraps her arms around her legs. "Any luck?"

He huffs as he grips onto something slimy and holds it up for all to see. He grins widely before he shoves it into his mouth in one go. 

Her eyes widen. The boy ate the dirty worm. She just witnessed the weirdest yet curious thing her five year old mind could fathom.

"Whoa, that was so ... "

Gross. So gross, but I couldn't have been more intrigued.  

❝ Every guy you've dated has been a tool

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❝ Every guy you've dated has been a tool.
I'm just looking out for you! ❞

❝ If you have such a big problem about who I date,
then why don't you ask me out before they do!? ❞

❝ If you have such a big problem about who I date,then why don't you ask me out before they do!? ❞

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P   L   A   Y   L   I   S   T

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[ january 11, 2023 ]

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