Chapter 2

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Sam walks in with John trailing him. They both put their bags on the chairs. "Scot over." Sam says, he climbs in the bed next to me. I move over slightly. "I'm ok, so apparently everyone at school know, and guess what? Marks not being a jerk about it for once." He talks a lot. I don't mind. I rest my head on his shoulder. He's like a brother to me.  "So how have you been?" He asks, he knows he won't get a response, but he tries. I sigh.

"Yeah, that's how I feel too." John says, as he drags a chair closer to the bed. "Henri checked in with the police. They said that may might get out." The exspreton on his face is grim. I know they will. They'll pull strings. And what not. To get what they want. Thats just how they are. I don't move. I don't want to.

"What's going through your mind?" Sam asks, knowing once again that he's not going to get an answer. I say nothing. "Hey, you're going to be ok. Even if you're not. You still have me. I don't plan on going anywhere. Got it sky." I nod against his shoulder. A few days later I get released. Patricia is kind enough to take me in. I live on the couch. I don't mind though. I wake up, and steal some of sams clothes saying I feel boyish. I put on one of his nasa t-shirts and some shorts. I wear my hair down. Sam tries to take my bag from me. Claims I shouldn't be carrying it. Like come on I have a broken arm and leg. I didn't break my back. I'll be fine. "If you don't mind me asking, why are you wearing my clothes? Are yours too small? Because mine are definitely too big on you, but I must say the shirt doesn't look that bad on." I don't answer. He's smart. He'll figure it out. I hope. He sighs giving up. I don't blame him. I go straight to class, and sit in my normal seat.

Mark walks over to me. "Glad you're back shy sky." I don't say anything. He goes back to his seat. Sam sits behind me. Then John sits in the seat next to him. The class starts nothing happens. Besides being invited to the Halloween festival tonight. If I'm being honest I'm kind of nervous. I've never been before. I also feel to small for sams t shirt. The bell for lunch finally rings. We sit at our usual table. I eat my sandwich. I'm surprised by how good it is. Mark throws something at John. It ends with the three of us getting a warning, and mark no warning. It's not fair he gets left off, and we don't. When we did nothing wrong. Soon we're at the festival. All the noise all the people. It's a lot. I don't get why people do this.

"John!" Sam yells, waving his arms like a crazy person. I tuck my hands in sams shorts that I stole. John and his father walk over to us.

"Hi I'm Henri." He's an older man with graying hair, and an accent I can't place.

"This is Sam and sky." John says,

"Hi." Sam says, I wave.

"You kids have fun." Henri says, sam starts walking then her turns back.

"Sky, come on it will be fun." I shake my head. I can barely breathe. "Are you sure?" I nod, they walk off Emily and Sarah catching up. Somethings going to happen. I search around franticly. I spot a napkin, and a pen. I quickly jot down what I'm thinking. Then run over to them, and hand it to Henri.

"I'm sure John can handle himself." He responds, he doesn't understand. When they emerge from the woods they're all bloody. I glare at Henri. Then run over to Sam. He has a small cut on his lip.

"I'm ok." He says. I hit him hard in the arm. "Why did you hit me." I just glare at him. "I scared you?" He asks, I nod. "Sorry." He says, pulling me into a hug. I'm glad he's ok. "Ever going to tell me why you're wearing my clothes?" I don't answer that, and he knows better then to press me. We go home. Apparently at some point sam let John borrow one of his magazines. John walks into sams room. Sam points a gun at him, and I somehow through him against the wall. I look at shook at my own hands. Like they're strangers.

"You're loric?"  John asks, I must look confused because he says, "you have no clue what I'm talking about do you?" I shake my head. He sighs looking defeated. He exsplains everything, and apparently I'm not human. I'm loric. "Can you do anything that you can't explain?" He asks, as we get into Sam's dads truck. I nod. "Ok what is it." I don't respond, he sighs. Sam gets in the drivers seat I slid in next him and then John. He explains more about the mogdoriens but I don't listen. We pull up to Athens. "Stop!" John yells, sam slams on breaks. "Thats henris truck. Sky you're with me. Sam your the get away driver."

"Good luck." Sam says, as he pulls off. We walk into the house. He takes out the people. I check out the basement. I see Henri against a wall tied up. I walk over to him, and some how mange to break the bounds with my bear hands. I don't know how.

"You're loric?" He asks, clearly shocked. I shrug in response and help him to his feet. We make it up the stairs just in time to see John drop someone.

"He'll live." He looks disappointed. Then we run. We all pile into the truck, and Sam speeds off. We make it home somehow. The next day the mogs find all of us. Now we're on the run. Henri is dead and six is now on our side.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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