thirteen: slipping

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"What did I say about using the shock collar?"

"Colonel, she-"

"What did I say?!" I said, louder this time and in her face.

Her ears folded back, "only to use it when the hostile is attacking or attempting to run away."

"So then why did you use it? Think just because I could have been dead, you had free reign?" Seeing the look on Ninat'ia face and later seeing the small red mark around her neck made me. . .angry. I want to protect her, and keep her safe.

"No, Colonel."

"Then what?"

"She cannot be trusted. She brought up the banshees, so she knew the risk. It was her plan - to get you killed," She explained in a hush tone.

"So, you think she was trying to get me killed?" I mused.


"Even though she's attached to Spider like he's still got the umbilical cord on. The kid she would kill all of you to get to, despite having a tracker in his mask?" I questioned. Ninat'ia is not stupid, she knows the risks and would not risk his life for her own.

"I-I didn't think about-"

"Exactly. You didn't think you took action without the approval of me or Corporal Wainfleet."


"Dismissed," I waved her off and she stomped out like a child.


I glanced at the prison she was held in and saw her mindlessly playing with her hair. She was bored out of her mind and had gotten thinner since being here and denying herself any food we gave her.

She's stubborn, but it's admirable.

My eyes widened when she held her stomach in pain, trying to suppress the hunger she felt. She would'nt even eat now, despite the great deal of pain she is in.

Shit, shit.

Obviously if I took her out to hunt, it would show favoritism. It would show that I'm becoming like Sully and siding with the Na'vi, which is exactly how I felt.

I quickly scanned my card and the door opened with a click. She heard and stepped back, not knowing it was me coming in. I grabbed the collar and tossed it onto the table.

"We're going out."

Short chapter but I work tomorrow so I wanted to get one out beforehand.

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