Maki: The thing is... Tsukasa and I go way back as well.

The Others: *?!*

Maki: It's crazy, I know, but it's true. I've met Tsukasa once.

Honoka: ... *Gets in front of her* How far?

Maki: Eh...

Honoka: Spit it out! How long have you known each other?!

Anzu: Easy, Honoka.

Tsukasa: *Clears his throat* Perhaps, I can help with our backstory.

Maki: R-Right. We'll tell you everything.


{During the Season 1 Finale}

You didn't hear it from her, but Maki would rather be practicing on the school's rooftop than be here. She wouldn't be annoyed if her mother hadn't forced her fashion sense onto her own daughter, and forced her to tag along in her father's ballroom event.

But, as much as Maki wanted to spend more time with μ's, that was rather a hazy possibility right now. Honoka was still down in the dumps about fainting during their last performance. μ's was on hiatus, and their participation in Love Live was definitely forfeited.

Maki stared at the glass of fruit punch in her hand spitefully, as if it was the root of all her problems. She was never one to socialize. Her mother knew that, but made her come along in this party anyway. Maki didn't even know what was being celebrated. All she knew was that it mainly consisted of other rich folk and all the people milling about around her were most likely only putting up façades of goodwill to mask their true feelings and intentions.

If there was one thing she knew about the Japanese elite, it's that it was full of snakes.

She consumed the rest of her drink, and stood up to make her way to the snack bar in the far end of the room. Since she's going to be here for another few hours, because her parents were obviously enjoying themselves, she might as well try to make the most out of the gathering all by herself.

But that was until her mother grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the other side of the room, nearly making Maki trip on her heels in the process.

Ahead, Maki saw her father conversing with a maroon-haired man. There was also a boy that was probably about her age that had the same maroon hair. He was probably the older male's son.

The older maroon-haired man was first to notice Maki.

Man: So, this is your daughter, Nishikino?

He regarded Maki with a warm smile. And the gesture nearly made Maki raise an eyebrow, since it's the first not-plastic smile that she's seen all night.

Her father nodded, and patted Maki's head affectionately, making sure not to ruin the braids that her mother had intricately woven into her hair beforehand.

Mr. Nishikino: Maki, this is Mr. Suou. His company's employees get health benefits from our hospital.

Maki turned to look at him, and bowed her head slightly.

Maki: It's nice to meet you, sir.

He chuckled before draping an arm over the boy beside him.

Mr. Suou: Well, Maki, allow me to introduce my son, Tsukasa. You're in your first year, right? Well, he is too.

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