6. Can I Kiss You?

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They giggled at the crowd and moved to the end of the carpet where their interviewer flagged them down.

Tim and Lucy both kept their answers short and sweet about the nature of their relationship, how happy they are together, and their excitement about their movie.

The hard part was over, so all they needed to do was sit in the dark theatre and watch the film. She didn't expect that he would put his arm around her before the film even started. Maybe it wasn't necessary, but she didn't care.

After the movie was over and the lights turned on, they were still cuddled up together. It took a little effort for him to stand away from her, but he held her hand on the walk to the car, knowing that it wasn't just to keep up their image this time.

They didn't speak for the whole ride- partially due to exhaustion and also because they were afraid to breach the subject again.

He walked her to her door, considering what he should say next.

"You did great tonight. We both did," she said in her doorway.

"Lucy...I...I wasn't acting."

"You told that lady from TMZ..."

"That I care about you, that I'm happy to work with you, and that I love spending time with you. All of that is true."

She stood motionless. Was he really saying this to her?

"I wanna see where this goes. Don't you?"

Lucy shook her head solemnly. "What if I'm not sure?"

"Take all the time you need. I'll see you on set tomorrow," he gave her a soft kiss on the forehead and went back to his car.

If she were a stronger woman, she would have stopped him and asked him to stay. But, what else could she say? She didn't even know. Or maybe, she couldn't admit it.


Lucy was making a breakfast smoothie with an overly eager Tamara.

"You're all over the tabloids from that premiere last night, and it's not even your movie," Tamara said, scrolling vigorously through her phone.

"Please don't show me. I can't deal with this right now," Lucy groaned.

"Did something happen?"


"Nothing...other than the whole kissing your costar for practice in the living room. And then making out with him again behind a trailer while on set."

"It's all to keep up appearances that we're a happy couple."

"Of course, because you constantly bringing him up to me with a smile on your face is part of your public image," Tamara retorted sarcastically.

"I need to get to set."

"Don't forget lip balm. Wouldn't want your lips to get chap from all that kissing that's just part of your job," Tamara teased while Lucy left the house.


If Lucy didn't know how she feels, Tim didn't want to pressure her. So, he did his best to give her space- as much space as you can give the woman you have practically every scene with. He kept trying to stop, but he always looked in her direction, and she always met his gaze with silent words.

One week of being physically an arm's length away from her and feeling like she was on the other side of the planet had passed. Today, he was grateful for the day off. One less day of missing someone that was standing next to him.

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