Chapter 5: Confrontations

Start from the beginning

'What are you doing?' Steve shouted, as Tony activated the hatch, immediately greeted with a blast of wind from the storm-filled air. A blond, caped figure appeared the one that had landed on the jet. Wielding a hammer in his right hand, he brushed past Ben easily, knocked over an approaching Tony into Steve before grabbing Loki and taking off out of the jet.

'And then there's that guy', Tony grunted, picking himself up, while Ben peered out the hatch. 'Is that who I think it is?' the kid asked.

'I don't think he's a friendly.' Steve was also recovering from getting a 425 pound metal suit Tony dropped on him.

'Another Asgardian?' Natasha deduced from the pilot's seat, as she attempted to keep the plane's flight path in the storm.

'Lightning bolts, fancy cape, I'd wager that's Thor!', Tony said.

Ben began dialling the Omnitrix.

'Wait, kid, what are you doing?' Tony called out, watching Ben step dangerously close to the edge of the open hatch without a parachute.

Ben-'I have an idea. Mr Stark you in?'

Tony understood what he was trying to say.

Tony-'Let's have a little chat with a god.'

Steve-'We need an attack plan.'

Tony says that he has a plan, and then says his plan is attack.

Tony and Ben both jump out of the jet. Tony activates his propulsion jets while Ben slams the Omnitrix hoping to transform into Stinkfly. But accidentally he transforms into Wildmutt.

Natasha-'I'd sit this one out Cap!'

'Don't see how I can' Steve replied, buckling the straps of his parachute.

Natasha says that Thor and Loki come from legends and that they're basically gods

'There's only one God ma'am' Steve stated, marching briskly towards the open hatch, 'And I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that!', the super soldier finally grabbed his shield, and promptly jumped out through the entrance.

Thor Odinson had a famously bad temper; hence storms were often attributed to his rage. And nothing stocked said rage than seeing his supposedly-dead brother, alive and well, up to no good in the mortal realm no less.

Upon crashing into the earth with Loki in tow, his attempts to interrogate his half-sibling were merely deflected with mock pleasantries, much to his annoyance.

Thor-'Where's the Tesseract?'

Loki-'I missed you too.'

Thor-'Do I look to be in a gaming mood?'

Loki-'Oh, you should thank me. With the Bifrost gone, how much dark energy did the All-Father have to muster to conjure you here? Your precious earth.'

Thor drops his hammer and grabs hold of Loki.

Thor-'I thought you died.'

Loki-'Did you mourn?'

Thor-'We all did. Our father...'

Loki-'Your father. He did tell you my true parentage, did he not?'

Thor-'We were raised together. We played together, we fought together. Do you remember none of that?'

Loki-'I remember a shadow, living in the shade of your greatness. I remember you tossing me into an abyss. I who was and should be king!'

Thor-'So you take the world I love as recompense for your imagined slights? No, the earth is under my protection, Loki.'

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