Episode 20 AU: I Bit Him

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"You did what?"

" . . . I ran away."

"The previous sentence."

"I said no."

"The second sentence."

" . . . I bit him," Tong Yao offered hesitantly before becoming defiant again. "You said you wouldn't let me hit people. I can bite then, can't I? It's not like I'd bite him to death!"

"So Xu Tailun had gauze on his arm when the second round started because you bit him?" Lu Sicheng asked for clarification.

"That's right." She affirmed, before flinching when it looked like Cheng-ge was going to knuckle her forehead. 

"Stand here and don't go next door." He ordered before walking inside and slamming the door.

Tong Yao watched him go, jumping a bit at the sound of the door closing. "I'll just let him cool down a little before going inside," she thought. After all, she did bite the primary member of the opposing team and if it had been revealed it would have been very bad for both her personally and the team collectively. She hadn't exactly thought her actions through before she acted and there were very real potential consequences that Lu Sicheng, as the captain, needed to consider.

After waiting a few moments Tong Yao tried the door only to find it locked. Irritation started to build but she pushed it down and debated what to do next. Pulling out her phone she decided to message Xiao Pang.

"Chubby, open the door for me."

"I can't help you." was his response, causing Tong Yao to sigh in disappointment. She stood for a while glaring at the door before starting to pace back and forth. Her phone battery was dying so it wasn't like she could just sit somewhere and surf the internet.

"Just be patient," She tried to convince herself. "Cheng-ge will calm down soon." 


An hour or so passed and Tong Yao found herself squatting against the wall trying to find a comfortable position. She had tried counting her steps while pacing but found herself analyzing and re-analyzing the events that led to her current situation. She remembered all too well the fear she had felt when Xu Tailun had pushed her against the wall and the desperation she had felt for the brief time that she struggled and failed to pull herself from his grip. As she thought of it the irritation she had felt earlier began to rise in her chest again.

 Running her hands though her hair roughly, Tong Yao stood and started to pace once again. She needed some kind of physical outlet before she found herself banging on the front door and shouting. Lu Sicheng was really going too far.

Tong Yao suddenly heard the sound of her salvation. The boys had ordered take out. Accepting the food from the delivery driver, she shot a quick text to Lu Sicheng. "Hey, two choices. Either let me in or I'll be killed by mosquitoes outside while you starve to death inside. Make your choice." She didn't have to wait long when the sound of the front door could be heard as the answer to her text.

Relieved that Cheng-ge had relented Tong Yao quickly picked up the take out bags and hurried inside to set the food on the table. The boys swarmed to grab their orders and all sat around the table. Tong Yao smiled as she reached to grab what looked like her usual order from the bag when suddenly her hand was stopped.

"I didn't order for you." Lu Sicheng stated, holding her wrist. Her brow furrowed at his words. Everyone stopped eating to look at the two of them in surprise.

"You did. I saw it." She rebutted.

Lu Sicheng looked away. "Eat it outside."

Tong Yao sighed again before hurrying to grab her food and leave the table so she wouldn't say something she would regret.

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