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Widow Martinez, age 25, job Assassin

Window, a young assassin, whole family was killed by the marfia as she played dead, she even watch her own mother plead for help and get shot, one of the men saw her and told her to be quiet, when everyone left he came back and took her in as her own.

Since then she's been training and killing people untill a week ago.

"Code 556 do you copy, target is entering the building" someone said on the radio, Widow smiled as she lift her gun, from the distance she can see her target quickly walking into the building and into his apartment and locked the door, just as he's about to sit down Widow shot her gun aimed straight towards his head

Sirens can be heard in the background "fuck it's a set up" she looked into the lense of her gun and noticed the man she just shot is fine "fuck" she said, she placed a mask she brought with her on and started to run, it wasn't long till she was caught.

"Widow Martinez, your under arrest for murder of 28 people anything you do or say will be used against you in court" an officer said as another placed handcuffs on her and took her to a car

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