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Ciarren woke to a gentle shake and whispered words, coaxing him from his dreams. He immediately recognized the hand on his side as Zareh's.

"No. Sleep." Ciarren tried to roll over, only for the covers to be forcefully pulled away from him.

"If you want to keep sleeping then I guess Jesper and I will go to your surprise without you."

Ciarren sat up, wide-eyed, and lip sticking out, "You wouldn't."

"Do you really want to test that kitten? Get changed, you can sleep in the car."

Ciarren stretched and tried to rub the sleep from his eyes before dragging himself from the once-warm bed and to the closet. With half-closed eyes, he pulls on a pair of tight black sweatpants and one of Jesper's shirts.

When he was satisfied that he was ready, he climbed into Zareh's lap who had been sitting on the bed waiting, "Come on, cutie. Let's get you to the car."

Ciarren dozed through most of the traveling, allowing Jesper and Zareh to guide him where he needed to be. Sometime later he finally began to fully wake up. His head lay on a lap, fingers resting in his hair.

Not moving from his position, he mumbled, "Where are we?"

"Almost to your surprise. We must have really tired you out last night." Ciarren blushed at the reminder of their earlier activities and the countless orgasms he had experienced. "Can you wake Jesper up for me?"

"Mmhhmm" Zareh let the sleepy response pass and instead split his attention between the final couple of turns and the sweet sounds coming from the back seat as Ciarren woke Jesper with teasing touches.

"That's enough you two. We're here. Ciarren, look outside." Ciarren sat up as the car came to a stop. First, he saw a large house, a house that was familiar to him. Shiloh's house...

Then standing on the front steps looking just as confused as him, was Shiloh. Malin and Rhett stood just a couple of steps behind Shiloh, both sporting large grins.

It only took a moment for Ciarren to process where he was and in no time he was out of the car and sprinting to his best friend. The two would have fallen with the force of their hug if Rhett hadn't moved to stabilize them.

"You're here." Shiloh's voice was high with excitement as they clung to Ciarren, not having seen Ciarren since he left.

"I am! Did you know about this? I just woke up and I was here."

Shiloh shook their head, "No. Malin and Rhett just said we needed to go outside and then you were getting out of the car."

"Oh, I've missed you so much." Ciarren pressed his teary face into Shiloh's neck.

"I've missed you, Candy."

"Shiloh, Ciarren, look." The two looked at a grinning Osiris who was pointing at a car coming down the driveway. They stared in confusion at the vehicle as it came to a stop next to Zareh's car. The confusion lasted a second, as Milly extracted his large body from the rental car. With two squeals Shiloh and Ciarren ran for the last piece of their trio. Milly just leaned down the caught the two, holding them both to his chest tightly. The three held each other tightly, not paying attention as their dominants carried in their bags. Eventually, Milly lowered them to the ground and the group melted into a cuddle puddle. All their eyes were teary, but large smiles were secure on their faces.

"I can't believe none of us knew. The doms must have been putting this together for some time."

Ciarren jumped up, panicked. "I haven't said thank you yet!" He took off for the house, Shiloh and Milly following behind as they rolled their eyes at their goody-to-shoes of a best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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