She sat back and looked at me, " I do not know...but I hope so."

That wasn't the answer I was hoping for.

" As long as we are together then we can make a home. But Riti you are not alone.The forest will always be apart of us, and being here makes no difference . Now to be honest, I have no idea what they are doing with their fingers."

I laughed, and she joined me. It was nice, she wasn't giving me some fictional hope that we were going to go home, nor was she telling me that we were going to go home. But she was telling me that I wasn't alone, she was letting me know that she is struggling too. And that meant more to me than false promises.

That evening we talked and laughed, telling stories of the forest. She told me memories of young Neteyam and young Kiri. It felt like I had a mom. I never called her mom because I always thought she wouldn't be comfortable with it but I always wanted to. One day I hope I will be able to say it to her with ease.

The next day

Lo'aks Pov:

I just finished another breathing lesson with Tsireya. I finally got the fucking shell ,it was about time. Tsireya was proud of me too, I had to admit my ego went up when she held my hand, there definitely weren't butterflies, Nope, and I totally didn't blush like a little girl.. I was walking back to the hut when I heard them.

" Ao'nung maybe it's time we let off off the orphan."

Who the hell was named Orphan? Who's parents would hate their kid that much? Maybe they named them orphan because they hated them, they wanted to make them an orphan.

" Nah, she won't tell. She's too scared that they'll kick her out."

" But still her dad is Toruk Makto.."

"He told her to make friends with us. That's the only reason why she hasn't done anything. Nothing changes the fact that I'm the chiefs son."

Were they talking about Kiri? Why would they call her orphan though? I would kill them for saying shit like that to her.

" But what if her dad told your dad.We would be in so much shit."

" We aren't even saying anything that bad..."


" fuck."

I would kill them. They've been bullying my sister? I peered behind the hut I was hiding behind, I was going to wreck their shit. That's when I saw Kiri walk by and Ao'nung and Roxto said nothing to her. Still talking amongst themselves.

" Lo'ak what are you doing?"

I grabbed Kiris arm and pulled her in the opposite direction.

" Have Ao'nung and Roxto been picking on you?"

She gave me a confused look, "No?"

" Don't lie to me, are they calling you an orphan?"

" What? No. Lo'ak what?"

It didn't look like she was lying. Then it occurred to me, Riti. God how could I have been so stupid? She hasn't been herself recently. I mean she still says her sarcastic comments and laughs when its appropriate  but she has been separating herself from Neteyam and hanging out with Ao'nung. She hates Ao'nung ,and she would never choose to spend time with Ao'nung over Neteyam. She's been zoning out a lot during dinner and she doesn't really joke or partake in lessons anymore. Riti always jokes, always. It almost pains her to be serious, I mean unless she's with Neteyam. That's a whole different story. Even Neteyam is confused on why she has been ignoring him and ditching him.

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