🫧 [ 10 ] 08/08/22 🫧

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"thank you again for taking me with you" jeongin smiled widely at the four boys.

"of course, i don't even think there was any other group of five to give this cabin to, so it's benefit for all of us" replied the oldest of the group.

"and there aren't any other people from our school tho" jisung pointed out.

"and you're our friend now" changbin returned the smile making jeongin's eyes sparkle and opened the door on cabin number 143 - their property.

"welcome to our new home, kids" chan announced while walking inside with all boys following him.

they took of their shoes in entrance hall, which was next to bathroom and got right into bedroom. there was one single bed and one king sized bed. firstly they were all confused but then they realized there were door which led to other bedroom with king sized bed.

"i'm taking the single one!" squealed jisung and threw himself on it following his suitcase.

all laughed and felix put his things on one side of the other bed. secretly he really wanted to share it with his three years long crush now and two of the boys in the room knew that, but at the same time he was almost sure it wouldn't do much good, so he asked:

"channie-hyung, will you share with me?" and gave the oldest small smile.

"of course, lixie" with understanding smile chan started to unpack his things.

that left jeongin and changbin with the other room. it would be lie if we said that the second named wasn't nervous about that.

"alright" the youngest in the room smiled and took his suitcase to the second room.

changbin gave chan the look that said everything, then he took his things aswell and with quiet sigh he closed the door behind him and jeongin.

"lixie?" jisung well-awared of his "twins' " feelings asked with small heart.

"it's fine... i'm gonna use bathroom" he left the room with the other two, who just gave each other a sad smile and continued unpacking.

"is it okay if i sleep on the left side?" jeongin turned to changbin as soon as he closed the door.

"huh? yeah, of course. any personal reason? if you don't mind me asking" the older rubbed the back of his head nervously.

"i just don't like sleeping opposite the door, it kinda creeps me out" embarrassed smile appeared on his face.

"lol, okay" changbin chuckled a little, but decided to let it drop.

"thank you"

"no problem"

they shared smiles and then started to unpack.

"what's that?" older one asked, when jeongin pulled out of his backpack small stuffed thing?

"oh, that's stuffed pig-rabbit from my friends"

seeing confusion on the other's face he added:

"we call it dwaekki, i don't even remember how we made it up. but funnier is, that it kinda reminds me of you, now when i look at you two" he giggled, what made changbin adore him even more. he was slowly falling deeper and he knew that.

"well okay, if that thing is me, then you're a cute little foxie"

"w-what?" blush spread across his cheeks.

"i said, if i am that dwaekki of yours, then you're a cute little foxie" evil smile appeared on older's face and it took a while 'till the younger came to his senses.

"hey! i'm not little! you're basically shorter than me" he frowned and crossed his arms.

"tch, whatever" binnie mumbled and returned to unpacking his things.

after a while, when the tension between them was gone, he said:

"when you're done unpacking, we should go to boys, they are curious about who you are and stuff"

"alright, and if you want, we can take a walk around the camp then. we have a lot of time 'till dinner"

"just the two of us?" he smirked.

"ah - uhm - if you want, of course. or we can take boys with us. or not. or-"

"jeongin, it's fine. i was just teasing. of course i'm fine with just us" changbin smiled and was relieved that he's not the only nervous one in the room.

'gosh, why am i stuttering? put yourself together, innie' thought fox-boy right after that.

changbin was already done unpacking, so he laid on his bed and started scrolling instagram, while secretly catching sight of the other one.

"i'm done" after a while the watched one exclaimed.

"okay then, let's go" he jumped off the bed and opened the door.

"after you" jeongin blushed.

"thank you" changbin closed door behind them and sat next to chan on his bed.

the oldest was unpacked (how unexpected), jisung's things were somehow already everywhere and felix not even bothering to unpack was again in the bathroom.

"come here, maknae, i'll make space for you" jisung smiled widely and tapped on spot next to him.

the youngest slightly surprised by the welcoming behaviour happily sat next to quokka boy.

"where's lixie?" changbin asked.

"bathroom" chan mumbled.

"what's taking him so long? ..... LIXI-AAAAAAH !!! GET YOUR PRETTY ASS HERE !" the older of "twins" screamed and fox-boy needed to cover his ears.

"is he always this loud?"

"you get used to it" the oldest responded calmly.

jeongin was already used to hyunjin's dramatic bursts out whenever his drama queen mood came out, but it was nothing compared to jisung's usual screaming.

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