Chapter One

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A few nights ago, GarretKlawuhn came to me with an idea. Transgender Harry Potter, I was interested even though I knew it might be a challenge. So, I love the chance to work with someone like them on this story. The Rise of Raven Riddle is going to be an interesting and fun story to write. If I write something inaccurate of Trans people, please tell me and I will fix it, I am not trans, so I won't know, any and all help on the facts and struggle will be welcome. -Love JessRose. 

Harry stood in front of the mirror as Hermione finished the curl on his now shoulder length hair. Hermione was using magic products for the first time, and they seemed to work perfectly. "Luna was so nice to get me these." Hermione loved the blonde as a sister and was always thankful for what the strange girl helped her with in terms of magic. "I look pretty?" Harry was confused, the hair and light makeup that Hermione had done, looked amazing on him and he wished he looked more like the witch next to him. "Well of course, I would never allow you to look bad. Anyone who leaves the magic hands of Hermione's beauty company without looking like a queen." Hermione laughed as Harry soon joined in. Ron entered and saw Harry wearing makeup and laughing with Hermione who smiled more when she was with Harry than she did with him. "Hey, why are you wearing makeup, you look like a girl." Ron saw Harry's face fall and Hermione instantly went to defensive mode. "Honestly Ronald why do ruin everything." Hermione huffed and dragged Harry to the girl's dorms where it miraculously let him in. "Hey, Harry." Padma Patil who was visiting her sister Parvati. "Hi." It was nice for all of the girls to spend time with Harry because he was one of the sweetest people in the world. "Hi, Harry." A first year ran over and hugged Harry. "Hi, how are you doing?" Harry helped the first years get to their classes by helping them with the stairs and how to use the portraits for help on finding where their classes were. "I am great, I found a new plant I want to show you." Harry smiled. "You know who would love to see that? Neville Longbottom, he loves plants and might be able to tell you all about it." The girl's eyes got brighter, and she ran into Harry who pointed out where Neville was. "You look amazing." Padma was looking at his eyes. "Hermione what eyeliner did you use, because it is fading and mine doesn't fade as fast." Hermione showed her the brand she used, and Harry was soon shoved onto a stool in front of a mirror and had the new eyeliner drawn on his eyes, and he had a hair clip placed in his curled black hair. "Look at you. You are so hot." Hermione kissed Harry's head. "Can I wear one of your skirts?" Harry whispered and Hermione and the Patil twins smiled and helped Harry into the girls' uniform, and he smiled as he saw for the first time how he looked. "You look better in the skirt than I do, must be the toned legs, and the tan looks so good with the red." Padma was happy for Harry as he smiled and twirled around in a skirt, he looked unrecognizable. "Do you want us to refer to you differently? Like different pronouns?" Sarah Stone asked, she was in Ravenclaw and only came up to visit her girlfriend, Lavender Brown. "We can call you She/Her if you want." Lavender was a good person and loved to help all the younger kids, all the LGBTQIA+ students loved her and went to her. "Unless you want to try this." Lavender held out a bracelet. "It changes color, if you feel like a boy, it becomes blue, a girl pink, it will become yellow if you don't feel like either. This way we can figure out which pronouns to use." Harry was so happy that he started to cry. What's going on? Ron is pacing outside." Ginny went over to her bed and saw Harry. "Who is this?" Hermione huffed and straightened the tie around Harry's neck. "Hi, Ginny." "Harry!" Ginny was over and gushing over how he looked. "Oh, My, Merlin." Ginny then wiped off the lipstick he was wearing and used a lighter shade. "This looks better, I don't ever wear it because it looks better with dark hair." The girl's dorm became loud with laughter as Ginny reenacted how Ron was pacing and grumbling. "He looks like an angry teddy bear." Padma said as she came back after taking a look. "We should all go down to dinner." Parvati said, taking her twin's arm and they all left together laughing like idiots when Ginny tried to do a spell on her fork only for it turn into a spoon that spit soup all over Neville, Dean, Seamus, and Ron. No one said anything about the change in Harry, except for McGonagall who gave Harry a hair pin with the lily engraved on top. "It was a gift from her when she was a student, and it fits your hair more than it ever would have mine." Harry was hugged by their mother figure before she led him to a bed right next to Hermione's. 

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