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Abbie Howard has always been a happy individual. She has always loved singing and dancing and acting. Anything that got her on stage she went for it. Anyone that watched her perform could tell that she belonged up there and that is where she the happiest.

It was the first day of Junior year and Abbie was making her way to the gym for their first day back to school assembly. She then sat down next to a girl she had never met.

"Hey, I'm Gina, I'm new here, you are soo pretty." Gina had said as smiled and had stuck her hand out

"Thank you! You are so pretty as well! I am Abbie." Abbie said, shaking her, smiling back. They both then turned to the principal as he started to talk.

"And I am pleased to anounce that this year, seniors will be allowed to wear baseball hats on Fridays." Principal Gutierrez said as someone then yells out "Go seniors!"

"And now for the special introduction. This year, East High has a new drama teacher. With an announcement she swore, in writing, that it would not cost to much money." Principal Gutierrez explained before he looks to the new drama teacher. She then makes her way up to the podium with a student that Abbie knew as Carlos. Everyone that knew Carlos or know of him all know that he is also known as 'The boy who belongs on broadway.' Abbie has known Carlos for years and he is one of those people who are not afraid to be who is.

The teacher goes on to inroduce herself as Ms. Jenn and she proceeds to talk about how shocked she was to find out that the school where 'High School Musical' was shot had never put on a production of the iconic movie and that she will be holding auditons for the show.

"So...are you going to auditon for the show?" Gina asked Abbie as they started to grab there things.

"Definitely! Are you?" She asked her back.

"Ohhhh definitely! I am excited to audition."

"That's amazing! I'm glad! It'll give us a chance to get to know each other better." Abbie said as she smiled at the young girl.

"I have a feeling that we are going to be best friends." Gina said before walking away leaving the young girl to her thoughts.

"Yeah...best friends." This made the young girl smile before she headed to her locker.


It was now the next day at auditons for the school musical and Gina was happy that she had Abbie there.

"People! Make sure your audition number is clearly visible on your clothes." Carlos said as he made his way into the dressing room. Abbie and Gina were sitting next to each other warming up. After warmups, which Gina killed, they were then told to pair up with someone.

"Everyone, pair up." Ms. Jenn said and as Gina and Alyssa both went to go walk up to each other Ms. Jenn quickly added, "Not with a friend. Theater is a community." Both Gina and Abbie both frowned at her saying this. As Abbie had looked around to find a partner it looked like the only person left was EJ Caswell. He then looks to her and smiles.

"Looks like we are now parnters." He says as he walks up to her.

"I'm EJ Caswell." He said as he sticks out his hand for a handshake.

"Shut up." She says as she shakes his hand with a smile which he offers back. Ricky looks over to see this interaction and he's not sure why but it makes him mad. Ricky knew that they were close friends but for some reason it always made him mad.


After the partner exercise they did they were all lined up as Ms. Jenn walked down the line assigning them parts she thought they would be best for. Once she got to Abbie she stood for a second to really think.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19 ⏰

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