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"That was amazing Lucifer, but um also terrifying." Dipper said.

"Eh. I try to be both." I say. 

"Mr. Devil that was dangerous. I don't want your power near the kids." Standford said. 

"Eh. I could've done worse. I am the Devil after all." I say. 

"I don't want you to use that kind of power near the kids."

"You are so overprotective. They've been through worse." 

"Want to go somewhere?" Mabel whispered.

"Maybe later, I need to chat with an old friend." I say.

I walk out of the room.

*** *** ***

"Psst. Dipper." Mable whispered to me. 

"What?" I whisper back. 

"If we can talk to the Devil, we can talk to God." 

"Mable, doesn't that seem like a bad idea." 

"Nah. C'mon Dipper we can meet God, he can give us anything we want and more importantly we can try to reunite him to his other brother." 

"I don't know... Lucifer does seem to hate him a lot." 

"C'mon Dipper, we already united Grunkle Stan and Uncle Ford. How hard can it be? Twins should be allowed to love each other."

"I guess you're right. Let's do it." 

"We can't do it here. We have to do it outside."


"Because the summoning smell I found on the internet says a wide-open space, if not, we might blow up the house."

"Wait, what?"

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔻𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕝 𝕂𝕟𝕠𝕨𝕤 𝕎𝕙𝕪Where stories live. Discover now