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The thing about some commercial students is that they always think they have something to prove.

"They cannot even respond to greetings, not to talk of greet someone," one of them...I think her name is Chioma, said with spite,

"You have time oh, so you're paying attention to these proud people? Especially this one that claims to be the Pastor's Daughter." Bose chimed,

"Excuse me ma, are you talking to me?" Time for violence.

I've had it with these people, they were always looking for some way to bring up my father's profession. So what if I was a pastor's daughter? I'm supposed to act like I'm holier than thou?

"Leave them alone." Morayo said, resting a palm on my shoulder. She was the reasonable one, always steering us from doing what we'd regret later,

Normally, I'd listen to her, but this term? Never.

"Morayo, please." I told her gently,

She removed her hand from where it was resting.

"I asked a question right? Because you seemed to be soooo full of words when you were talking about me." I faced them,

"Yes, I said it. Do you want to beat me?" Bose glared at me,

"Beat you? No. That's wastage of time, especially when I'm spending it on someone as useless as you are." I replied,

"You're a pretender, Abifoluwa. You are a green snake under green grass, little miss perfect, you're finally showing your true colours." She sneered,

"Who sent you? Like...who sent you to disturb my life this afternoon? Tell you coven that you couldn't succeed." I said to her, walking away.

"It would've gone better if you had just ignored them." Morayo was at my side,

"They deserve a taste of their own medicine." I closed my eyes,

"Rebellious phase eh?" Jessie looked at me, "I know I'm not the best at...well, don't just let it affect you sha."

"It won't." I assured them, but I was trying to reassure myself, "it won't." I said again,

"It's like you want to resume the term with punishment right?" Temi interrupted, "Senior Diane is already at the entrance of the hall."

We all shuddered at that name.

Chubby, a resting bitch face, and a voice that could send you into the hospital if the right effect is added. Senior Diane in all her six feet glory is not someone to be messed with. She is one of the current acting School Whips, and she didn't hesitate to carry out her duties.

"Yeah... let's run."

♪ + ∞ = ♡

When we got to the gate of the general halls, we instantly saw senior Diane, standing there... looking as intimidating as ever.

"Start running from there. If not, you will keep going back till I am satisfied."

Five ways to commit murder without anyone knowing. Someone should write a book like that,

We still ran though, having no choice. I was curious as to why the principal decided to have an assembly on the first day of school, it usually happened at least, on the second day.

"So most of you may be wondering why I decided to have the assembly today and not tomorrow?" The principal said from the microphone stand, echoing my thoughts.

Turns out we were one of the last people to come into the auditorium. He had already made his welcome speech before we arrived,

"Well, the turnout of students today, unlike the previous years, was very positive. So I thought of getting the assembly done today, and leave you all to rest and pack tomorrow."

At this, we all cheered.

"As you all know, it's a new term, soooo..." He left the remainder of the sentence for we to complete,

"New rules!" Everyone shouted together.

"That's right." He brought out two book, "what is the colour of this book?" He asked,

"Purple!" We chorused,

"The names of the students who have behaved well, and made the school proud would be written inside this book." He held out another, "What is the colour of this one?"

"Black!" We yelled again,

"As everyone knows, this is the black book. Where the names of delinquents and nuisances will be located. Who wants their name to be written here?"

No one said anything.

"That's right. And if you don't want your name to be in the black book, you have to follow the rules and regulations." He unfolded a foolscap sheet,

"Number one, No boyfriend and girlfriend." He said,

Reactions took off from every corner of the hall. This rule was made almost every term, and every term... students made sure to break it.

He allowed the chatter to stop. "The punishment would be a week's suspension." Everyone started talking at the same time again. "Any more noise and I will use someone as a scape goat."

Everywhere quietened.

"Number two, anyone caught with contraband items will be suspended for one week." He continued with his long list of rules that students will eventually break.

"... with this. I hope you'd be able to abide by the rules and regulations of the school and avoid your name being in the black book."

"Yes sir." We affirmed,

"Good." He remarked.

"The second reason I called this assembly is because of the school's executives. They've been acting their posts for a while now, and we've deemed them trust worthy and able to carry out their posts. Therefore they will be badged today."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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