Jasmine Rose Miller

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Jasmine Rose is the oldest child of Georgia Miller's kids  with an Iq of 190 and knows how to engineer and design and make things ( This is important for when Austin gets bullied.) . She was named of a mix between  South Carolina's state flower and Georgia's State Flower. Her and Her mom don't have a mother daughter relationship . Their more sisters/ best friends then anything.  Jasmine's Father didn't come back into her life until Austin was 1 . Her Father was in the Mafia so he wasn't around a lot  . He died when she was 15  . She now runs it in his honor while also still enjoying being a teen. She met her best friend Rio when she was 10 and spent a week with her father .

Jasmine has been through a lot like Georgia. Which is why they get along so well. Jasmine never has a problem sharing anything with  Georgia and vice versa. Jasmine and Austin  are each other favorite siblings . While Austin is House Gryffindor , Jasmine is House Slytherin  and relates to Draco in a way . Her Favorites is Fred and George which she will say in quote .  "I don't care if I have to deal with Mrs.Weasley as my mother in law as long as I get my husband's."  It's also best not to bring up Fred's Death around her as Jasmine will punch whoever speaks about it.

Jasmine also has superpowers gotten from her dad's side of the family. Her dad's family is split into two some get the embodiment of a phoenix and some get the embodiment of an elemental dragon . Jasmine has a mix of both and found out when she met Rio . Rio's family are witches and warlocks that can make someone a witch or warlock when doing a ritual to make the person apart of their coven. so they welcomed Jasmine with open arms when she found out . Rio and Jasmine are best friends that are there for each other 24/7 . Rio looks up to Georgia as a mom since his died giving birth to him leaving him with his grandparents.

Jasmine and Ginny have a worse for wear relationship . Jasmine doesn't like the fact Ginny blames their Mom for Zion leaving all the time .  Jasmine and Ginny tend to not speak to each other a lot . Ginny doesn't like Jasmine for her stunt she pulls at every new school where she claims to take two girls under her wing and help them in some way . Ginny believes that Jasmine uses that as an opportunity to make them dislike her . Jasmine doesn't like that Ginny tries to  mother her and Austin .

Jasmine and Rio will trust Abby and Marcus with their secret at some point .  This is being said because Jasmine and Rio will be helping Abby with her self confidence and help Marcus ease the pain of the loss of his best friend.

I'm Dreaming - A Ginny and Georgia Fanfic.  * CURRENTLY REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now