He whirls around.

"Can we find a place to rest for the night?"

"Oh, sure luv. In fact, there's a cave o'er here!" He replies, pointing towards a small cave.

A raindrop hits my nose. And thunder rumbles in the distance. Sphinx seems to notice my change in mood, because he nuzzles up against my face.

I follow Siege into the cave, and sit down, in the darkest corner. Hugging my legs close to myself. Siege makes a fire, and sits down. Using a stick to scrape the mud off of his shoe. "Bloody mud..." He mutters.

Soon enough, lightning flashes, and a loud boom of thunder follows. I clamp my eyes shut, and bury my head. I feel weight around me, and look up to see Siege putting his cloak around me.

"Seems to me that you need it more than I do, luv," he says, and goes back to the fire.

I'm glad he hasn't noticed my fear. I hated Thunderstorms. I was teased about it a lot. I was called a wimp, and an idiot by my father. Who, in fact, isn't my real father. I felt relieved that I wasn't related to him.

Another huge boom echoed throughout the jungle, this one shaking the ground. I whimpered, and sunk deeper into the cloak. "Oh dear...seems like we've got a teensy problem!" Siege sighed, walking over.

"I forgot that you were scared of thunderstorms," He said, sitting next to me.

"I get made fun of for it..." I mutter.

"Everyone's afraid of something..." He whispers.

"What are you afraid of?" I ask him.

He tilts his head back, taking steady breaths. "Tight spaces, I guess."

"Good to know that you're scared of something," I laugh softly.


"It just means that you've got a weakness. You're not all super tough," I say, leaning against the cave's rock wall.

"Oh I've got weaknesses alright..." He mumbles.

I have a feeling that the sentence was unfinished, but I don't say anything about it. I yawn and stretch. Sphinx curls up in my lap, and I pet him, his loud purrs filling the cave.

More thunder, and I tense up.

Siege looks at me, and pats my hand. And begins to hum. My eyes widen, as I remember the song. It was one he used to sing for me when we were younger. 6 to be exact. Now fast forward 12 years. And he's still singing it to me. My eyes become heavy, and I fall asleep.

-                                  -                                -                                -                         -                         -                   

I wake up early in the morning to hear the rustling of clothes, I see Siege stand up, and walk outside. He faces the jungle, and I see his fox mask in his hands. I want to walk up to him and scare him, just to see what he looks like under the mask. But he told me that when he was ready, he would show me. So I close my eyes once again.

'Good little luv. Now go to sleep,'  his deep, accented voice echoes in my mind, and I let sleep take me once again.

-                                -                             -                             -                       -                    -                      -

Sphinx jumps out of my lap, and I wake up. I had been thinking that since I'm able to hear people's thoughts, why couldn't I hear Siege's?

"Good question, luv," He answers, taking the cloak back. "I have a barrier. So you can't breach my mind unless I allow you to."

"I'm guessing it's gonna be a while before you trust me that much?" I croak, and clear my throat.

"May not be as long as you think," He says, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

He offers me some food, and I take it. It tastes amazing. Not like the human food I've known. "So," I mumble. "What did you mean yesterday, when you said I was a Telepath mix?"

He swallows, and tilts his head. "Well, I'm thinking that you might be half Telepath, half something else. But I'm not sure when that something else is gonna show. Or unleash itself."

"Well that's super comforting," I snort.

"Very..." He mutters.

"Righto! Let's get moving then, shall we?" He shouts as soon as I've finished my food.

I grudgingly stand up, and walk out of the cave, and the light of the outside world hits me. I wince, and squint. Sphinx runs ahead, and looks back, waiting for us.

"Ah, He's finally found a short route back to- home. Yes, back to home," Siege stuttered.

"I don't know why you keep stuttering when you say home. What kind of lies are you telling me?" I scowl.

"Lies that if you knew...I don't think that you would...like me," He said quietly.

"Siege, you are my childhood friend. Don't think that because of some secret's I'm not going to like you!" I said, walking ahead of him.

"Some of the lies-" He insisted.

"Nope. I don't want to hear it!" I snapped.

He caught up to me, and we walked side by side, in awkward silence.

He finally said something. "Do you have any lies that you are telling me?"

"Dunno. Maybe I'll tell you when I trust you enough," I quipped.

He laughs. "I taught you well. You might as well be fully Aerobian!"

"Tch." And I look in front of us, to see a small little village, bordering some mountainous land.

My eyes widen as I take all of this in. "We have to trek across mountains?!" I wailed.

"Sorry luv, I told you this was going to be a long journey!" He shrugged. "But we can get you some proper Aerobian clothes before my- sorry, the people start questioning us."

'My people...?'

'Totally not what you think it is, luv.'

Yeah right. I snort, and follow him into a small store.

Heheheh...Siege is acting sorta weird, eh? trust me, you'll find out pretty soon why! 

Sorry if none of this story makes sense! 

Let me know abt ur opinions and if u guys have any ideas!

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