Take the Money and Run

Start from the beginning

"Can you make us tickets to Fan Fest?" Dawn asks, holding on to the slightest sliver of hope.

"Yeah, that'd be awesome, Mae," Y/n enthusiastically declares.

Mae is saved by the bell, which rings to signal the start of her next class. "I wish. Sorry, guys," Mae dejectedly sighs before heading to class, leaving two sad girls in her wake.

"I guess that's that," Y/n mutters.

"I just wish there's some way we could get the money ourselves," Dawn impetuously comments.

"Yeah, but unless someone walks up to us right now and offers to buy our bracelets, that's never going to happen," Y/n points out.

"Yeah," Dawn sighs in exasperation.

A loud voice suddenly speaks up from behind them. "Let me see those festive bracelets."

"Okay, the next person to call these festive is gonna be..." Dawn begins but stops immediately once she sees who's talking, "free to say whatever she wants. Hello, Indra."

Indra, who is staring intently at the girls, lifts their wrists and announces, "I like them! They're shiny! You think they would look pretty on me?"

"I guess," Dawn hesitantly answers, resulting in Y/n roughly elbowing her in the side.

"What she means to say is that she thinks you would look beautiful with the bracelets on," Y/n quickly interjects, secretly a little scared on Indra.

Indra, seemingly satisfied with that answer, goes on to explain, "Most people think because I wrestle, I'm all scary. I love to accessorize! What store are those from?"

"Uh... I'm not sure," Dawn nervously chuckles. "My mom gave them to us."

"Too bad," Indra remarks. "They'd go perfectly with my chandelier earrings."

"Uh, well, Mae says they're pretty easy to make," Dawn recalls.

"Great! I'll buy these two plus thirty more," Indra exclaims.


"They'll make perfect favors for my birthday party. My theme is take downs! And tiaras," she continues.

"We can't just..." Y/n says before she is cut off by Indra.

"Fifty bucks!"

"I really shouldn't sell my Mom's..." Dawn objects.

"A hundred!"


"A hundred fifty, and that's my final offer."

"I said sold."

"Two hundred, but that's it."

"I already said..."

"Two hundred fifty, and that's my final offer," Indra bargains, placing a big wad of cash in Dawn's hand.

"Wow, that is a lot of money," Dawn mutters, her eyes nearly bulging out of her head at the sight.

"I installed a lot of sprinkler systems this summer," Indra says as a way of explanation.

"Dawn we shouldn't just give our bracelets away. Your mom gave them to us as presents for our hard work. It doesn't feel right," Y/n speaks up, voicing her concerns.

Dawn glances at Indra and nervously chuckles. "Just give us one moment," she tells her. As Dawn approaches her friend, she gives her a partial glare. "Y/n, what are you doing?"

"It's not right to sell the presents that your mom gave us," she firmly states.

"If we do this, we can both go to Fan Fest," Dawn declares, placing a hand on her friend's shoulder. "Come on, Y/n. Do this for all clonies," Dawn says, attempting to be inspiration.

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