Quick Glimpse

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As soon as I got off the plane I was surrounded by hundreds of people at the airport, Karthik had been to the Mumbai International Airport several times but he still didn't like it. Karthik traveled a lot for work but Mumbai airport remained one of his least favorites. Karthik was back again after a year, while normally he traveled here at least once a year but Covid delayed them. He was here because the man who Karthik once respected but now despised had called him. While normally one wouldn't want to see them again, Karthik never forgot people's favors and he owed this man a few favors so he called and Karthik came. The call was urgent and Karthik had a feeling this trip would be longer this time, for all he knew Anuj Kapadia had called and seemed to be in desperate need for his help. Karthik walked towards the airport entrance where his car waited, he weaved through the people as his long legs allowed him to walk faster than most others, he was walking when suddenly someone bumped into him spilling a cup of coffee all over his jacket. Angered by the rudeness he quickly turned around and as he was about to call out to the person upset, his voice was lost in his throat as he saw the girl turn around with her hand reached out "sorry, sorry".. she said as she was being pulled away by someone who grabbed her hand and led her away. Karthik saw the girl and when she turned around he saw her dark wavy long hair move from her face revealing a serene beautiful face. Karthik's anger melted, which rarely happened so quickly, he stopped in his tracks and while the encounter was only a few seconds, time had halted for Karthik. The girl left so quickly she probably didnt even get a chance to see him but those seconds were enough to halt Karthik, Karthik who was always quick, always in a rush to get things done, get his work done, to keep moving stood still. Karthik saw her big brown eyes, small nose, soft lips and a beauty mark which adorned her face right above the corner of her lips. Her lips curved as she spoke and it took another bump from someone else to get Karthik out of his trance, he forgot about the coffee and while the girl was gone Karthik wished he could have had another look. Karthik was 27 years old, he was a workaholic and never had any girl had an effect on him that this girl just did. Karthik shrugged his head as he ran his fingers through his hair rubbing his neck, he didnt know what it was but it felt good seeing her, it was a new feeling, a feeling for the first time.

Join us as we begin the journey of Karthik Uma Shankar in the show Anupama. Share your thoughts so I know whether to share this story or not.

P.S. Who do you think this girl is who has entranced Karthik in a few seconds?

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