"You're smaller than me, fish." You huffed, the boy making an angered face towards you. Rolled your eyes

"So when I make fun of you you get offended but I can't? You're so weak." You scoffed, one of the boys giggling to themselves.

"I can't believe this tree swinger is going to be our future Tsahìk," he laughed, Ao'nung's head turning towards him, "Ao'nung my brother, I wonder how you will be able to even have children with this forest-"

"If you would like to keep your face the way it is I would suggest you to stop talking, 'brother'." Ao'nung spoke, mocking the boy. Your eyes fluttered at this, the friend stuttering before closing his mouth. You huffed in delight, turning away from the group of boys suddenly and began to walk away.

Obviously after this you pondered to yourself why Ao'nung would say anything at all. Wouldn't he like if his friends made fun of you and teased you for having to mate with him? Even when Rotxo made fun of the way you looked Ao'nung didn't laugh. Interesting.

You walked into your hut, Kiri sitting silently in the corner of the room. You weren't sure what to say as you took a few steps inside, your sister's eyes raising to your frame. You crashed down next to the leftover breakfast, you missing it so you wouldn't have to walk past Ao'nung and his goons earlier in the morning. You pulled out your leaf wrapped mashed fish, beginning to pick at the food and eat. Your ears leaned up to the noise of Kiri moving, the girl coming next to you. You blinked a few times before you averted your eyes towards Kiri, the girl sitting close next to you.

"Give me some." She stated, a small smirk on your lips. You passed the food over, Kiri taking a small amount and placed it in her mouth. You leaned your shoulder against your sisters, a relieved hum escaping your throat. 1 down, 3 to go.

"Why are you so hungry?" You asked, your sister shrugging.

"I swam a lot this morning.. Mm, where were you?" She asked, eyes down to the food as she took another nibble.

"I just wanted to walk around, get used to the 'area'.. At least the water is pretty." You sighed, reaching forward and taking some food as well.

"It is pretty." She sighed, eyes lifting to your face before down to the food, "I think I will like it here.. I hope you will soon too, sister." She smiled, you looking to Kiri with a smile.

"I know I will. I'll have to eventually." You giggled, Kiri smiling back towards you as she lightly bumped your shoulder with her own. You two were quiet for a moment, just the sound of the sea washing under you and croaks from ilu filling the noise.

"So.. How are you?" She questioned, your chewing paused for a moment. You slowly continued before shrugging, swallowing down the food.

"Fine.." you mumbled, avoiding the question.

"No you aren't. How are you really doing?" She re-asked, your lips thinning slightly. You took in a slow breath before shaking your head.

"I just want to go home, honestly.. I'm forced to be arranged mated with a boy who doesn't know anything else except how to bully, then spend more time with his family than my own. So, not great.." you sighed, Kiri moving her hand to your shoulder and squeezed it.

"Neteyam wont even look at me now.. We used to be the closest, you know?.. I don't know." You sighed, Kiri quiet towards this.

"Maybe.. Maybe he doesn't want to see you as someone who can mate, you know? He's protective, especially over his twin sister.. And now he feels like, he can't protect you. Especially since you have to mate the guy.." she spoke, you lightly chewing against your inner cheek.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭. | Ao'nung X Reader (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now