Something new part 1

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Hello and welcome back, I don't have much to say but I hope you enjoy the story:)

That couldn't have gone any longer

I thought as I left my meeting with Mother Miranda, I just can't wait to get back home and relax, I spent way too much energy on that man-child Heisenberg.

I made a bee line for my carriage so I could get home as soon as possible, this routine is getting boring.

It's the same thing every time, she doesn't think we're doing enough, she calls a meeting, Heisenberg says something stupid, we fight, we leave.

As the carriage drove through the village, I see people going about their day, careful not to look at me, fear evident despite their normal routine being carried out.

The farther we moved through the village the more of it I got to see, I never spend much time down here due to responsibilities in the castle as well as making sure my daughters don't kill all of my maids.

I seen a woman sneaking around with her head down, but I could still see the bruises peeking through on her exposed skin.

Now I'm curious.

"Slow down up here." I told the man driving the carriage. He slowly intercepted her route and I stepped out of the carriage.


I was walking trying to get out of here as quick as possible, I needed to leave before she finds me. She's looking for me I know it.

I can still hear the sound of her screeching my name like the shrill call of a banshee when she would call me just to abuse me.

Some mother she was.

I continued to walk with my head down as to avoid making eye contact with anyone, if she was anywhere near by I could make sure she didn't see my face.

I could've sworn I knew this village like the back of my hand, I've been planning this route for months. Yet somehow I ran into what felt like a wall.

"I-I'm sorry." I forced out as I tried to walk around what I now saw to be a very tall woman.

She held me in place.

"Are you alright darling? You should really watch where you're going." She said in a husky voice

I looked up at her, accidentally giving her a good look at my bruised face, she frowned deeply causing me to look down

"Come with me." She said randomly

She must be crazy, I just left an abusive mother now she wants me to go with a potentially abusive 10 foot tall mommy?

"No thank you, I'm just gonna skip town."

"Good luck with the lycans in the surrounding area."

"If I die I die"

"We'll that's no fun, come with me, I'll take care of you." I knew she wouldn't give up but still

"I've been promised that before."  I said plainly

"Well I mean it." She said as she lifted me over her shoulder walking me to her ride

"You can't do this, this is abduction!" I said, my face turning red as I saw people looking

I stayed quiet as to not draw any attention to us

Too late

"Y/N! Honey I've been looking for you everywhere, let go of my daughter ma'am, we have to go home." I heard the shrill voice I grew to hate speak

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