Snake was still terrified to see a familiar face from the past, while Diane had a lot of questions on her mind.

"Don't you think that it's weird that he just happens to be back" Diane whispered to wolf.

"Yeah but It's probably nothing, maybe he just needed a reboot"

"Maybe princess is right, what if something is going on"

"Relax, that's not going to happen again, what can happen"

Back in the arcade, shark and princess saw how the place was deserted, it sent a creepy vibe up her spine.

But not to shark, he was too excited by the free arcade games, he rushes to them, like a kid in a candy store, he couldn't decide which game to play first.

"I don't know shark, this place feels weird"

"Come on baby what's the worst that can happened" shark says as he plays the first arcade game.

Princess wanders around, she decided to explore more of kandyland.

But as she does...she bumps into someone, "ohh" she looks up and saw...

A toucan magician in a purple suit holding a candy coated apple cane

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A toucan magician in a purple suit holding a candy coated apple cane.

He hold his hand out for her, "oh hello" she w
Says softly and he raises his hat up and puts it back down, then he pulls out purple hankie, he blows his nose and a dove flies out.

Then princess was amazed, she clapped her hands as her suspicious fear went away.

"That was amazing" she says then the toucan takes her hand and pretends to kiss it.

"Hello, Tooki Toucan,  The outstanding magician of Kandyland Park, I love making frostees and performing at my shows"

"Well That's very nice"

The toucan then pulls out a cup magical with frosty makers on his back, he pours a pink liquid from his finger in the cup and hands it to her.

"Oh thank you so much" she smiled as she gets a hold of the cup.

"I hope you-"

But just then, something went wrong with his program.

"I hope you-"

And in his vision, everything became red and princess started to look worried.

"Are you ok"

He started to glitched and in his program as he scanned princess, he was now programmed to terminate princess.

"Have a-have" he stuttered.

It was freaking princess out as she tries to take the cup, Tooki wasn't letting go, he held on the cup tight and as he flinched, he drops the cup, princess back away..

Now she was really terrified, "uh...shark?" She calls for shark.

But tooki stops glitching and he powers down, princess was petrified, she was worried about what happened, she gets closer, she leans in closer and closer.

And the rules do state that: you must keep your distance when his wings are activated.

On the wall was a picture of tooki with a bubble speech saying that rule.

But when princess got close...

He opens his mouth, screeched and attacks her

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He opens his mouth, screeched and attacks her.


Shark heard as he was playing a skew ball game.

"Princess" he panicked as he ran looking for her.

Then he gasped when he saw tooki grabbed princess wrist, he was crushing both of them and pulls her closer, trying to eat her face.

"PRINCESS!" Shark came in charging, he ran the toucan with his elbow.

the toucan crashed into the wall, his tanks of frosty spilling when the glass broke.

He picks up princess as she shook in fear, crying.

"Hey hey, are you ok"

"Shark, we need to go"

He saw how scared she was, "alright, let's go"

As they ran out, mr. Smile watched them and his eyes turned red.

the bad guys in: KANDYLANDWhere stories live. Discover now