Hiding Things

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Maurice: Where is my money?
Clinton: You know I don't got your money
Maurice: You do you been stealing from me again and I want know why
Clinton: Go on with that bull shit
Maurice: I will put your ass out
Clinton: How this is our place?
Maurice: I can and I will I make more money then you
Clinton: Come on now don't I take care of you
Maurice: Financially no sex yes but I can get sex anywhere
Clinton: You better not be cheating on me or else
Maurice; Or else what?
Clinton: You will see (Clinton leaves out)
Later on that day Maurice mother Harriet stops by
Harriet: How is my favorite dookie
Maurice: I'm fine mommy
Harriet: You sure?
Maurice: Yea I am going out with the fellas
Harris; Okay well I can't make you talk
Maurice: I'm fine mom (the guys pull up at the bar)
Preston: We need to tell Zac Gary
Gary; We don't cause you know how Zac get about Maurice he loves his brother we need talk to Maurice
Preston: I don't think he knows his partner is on drugs
Calvin:(Gary and Preston get out the car) Hey y'all
Gary; What up bro
Preston: What up where Aaron and Niles at?
Gary: Niles just pulling up
Preston; Zac ain't here is he
Maurice: No he ain't yet (he walks up)
Everyone daps up and walks in
Preston: So Maurice
Maurice: Yeah
Preston: How is Clinton doing? 
Gary; Yeah we saw him he looks
Calvin: He looks what?
Aaron: (walks up) Hey fellas Maurice I saw your husband it was strange tho is he on drugs
Maurice: What makes you say that?
Aaron: I mean I saw him on the corner buying drugs
Maurice: It's not polite to gossip about my business
Calvin: Right it ain't
Maurice: I don't need defending me and my husband is good you guys worry about your wives I'm out
Zac:(walks up) Where you going
Maurice: This bitches is nosey
Gary; How we nosey but your husband is the one buying drugs on corners
Zac: Hey watch it it's my brother man
Gary; Yeah your brother
Preston: Gary man chill
Gary: Nawl man we always sparing him the only reason we fuck with Maurice is because he is Zac brother
Preston and Calvin and also Aaron say that ain't true
Gary: Well it is for me can I get a double shot (Gary says to the waiter)
Calvin: Maurice can you please sit down
Zac: No we both out come on bro
Maurice: No sit with them they need you I clear don't I'm not apart of the brother hood
Zac: Hey Mo don't be that way
Maurice: I can and I will now bye (Maurice leaves and Zac sits down)
Zac: What happen
Preston: Obviously his business was exposed so he mad
Gary; Yeah he always telling our business but as soon as we address his he runs off I'm tired of it men he should not be in the brother hood if he gone be this damn sensitive
Maurice: (walks back) Me sensitive? Bitch I got your sensitive
Gary: What you got the only reason we spare you is because of Zac and I'm tired of this shit like go on home
Maurice: Don't call me since everyone feels this way I am always there for you when you guys wife gets mad giving you the best advice it's a damn shame that everyone feels this way
Preston: We don't that's him
Calvin: Yeah Gary apologize
Aaron: Maurice I just got here and I was just asking about Clinton I mean I personal think you don't need be with him
Maurice: Well that's my call and I love my husband it seems like when you guys got married our friendship went out the window I feel bad for you fellas you guys got the same saying Bros before hoes and you all got good wives like Preston I bet you don't know Danni pregnant and Gary I bet you don't know Andi having complications with the baby Aaron Karen has high anxiety and Zac oh shit your wife is tired of you being so damn Fucking cheap and Calvin Sabrina needs to go to counseling she was kidnapped she saw her parents and cousin killed in front of her so what you think she has major trauma.(Maurice walks off and gets in the car he drives home and gets out)
Man walks up to him
The Man: You Maurice you Clinton husband?
Maurice: Who wants to know?
The Man: You are (pulls the gun out and empties the clip he stands over him and says debt is paid)
Clinton:(runs outside) Maurice baby Maurice someone call 911 somebody please help my husband.

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