She quickly raps her arms and legs on light poles, she stretches her body to catch the beast. She stretches like the rubber on a sling, and when the beast gets to her stretched out body, it stretches her body even more.

She then stops stretching and her body pulls itself together sending the beast flying away crash landing a couple blocks away.

The beast lands on a car but bounces of the destroyed car to enter the building infront of the car. Breaking the concrete and hurting the people inside the building as it lands. This organization really doesn't care about hurting people, all it wants is to kill people with nanobots.

Tigris jumps on top of the guy with an E on his chest. She swipes across his chest leaving claw marks on the guys chest. Tigris has both her clawed feet standing on top the guy's hands and she continues scratching the guys chest. Blood fills her claws and she grabs the guy's neck, ready to finish the guy off.

As I move closer to stop Tigris, I notice that the girl with the S on her chest has already stretched out to hold Tigris' s hand. She raps herself around Tigris's body, her legs, her arms and her torso. She tightens her stretch to make sure that Tigris isn't able to move a muscle.

Tigris lets out a roar as she tries removing the girl by sinking her claws into the girl's skin, blood jumps out of the woman's body. The grip however, does not loosen.

The grip tightens and she raps herself around Tigris's neck. This makes Tigris weaker, as the woman continues strangling her with her body.

Gasping for air, whilst trying to remove the woman from her is what Tigris is doing when she goes down on her knees. Is the Controller really going to kill this woman. I probably shouldn't wait to find.

I start using telekinesis, I have even had some time to practise. When you're all alone on a farm, what else could you? Most people would read and study, but I don't see the use, considering that I won't be going to school anytime soon.

I start removing the woman slowly, mainly because she is trying to resist. She does however notice that her resistance is futile, because in no time I have removed the woman from Tigris.

Tigris and the woman both turn to look at me, the look of excitement on the Tigris's face is was what scares me the most.

Then Tigris starts talking to someone on her earpiece, I cannot make out what Tigris is saying. With all the powers I have, I couldn't get super senses.

Tigris finishes talking with the person she was talking with, and she has a firm look on me. "Welcome to the party," the man with the E on his chest says.

"Which side are you on? These people hunt people like us, they keep us in cells like we're some sort of monsters."

"They don't desrve to die," I say, "The Controller isn't any better."

"They are not afraid to kill us. They blew up our last hideout, killing many of us and taking others captive. Your friend just so happens to be one of them, and you still help them."

I turn to look at him the moment he mentions Josh. The man's words echo in my head, Josh is free of the Controller's control. That is all I heard from what he just said.

Though he is free of the Controller, he is now in greater trouble. This organization hates anything to do with nanobots. "Your friend could already be dead, and you're helping the organization that killed him. "

No, he isn't dead, Josh isn't dead. I know I'll find him. A sound of carnage and buildings collapsing cuts through the air, the sound coming from the direction the beast was shot up. It is then then followed by a deafening roar.

The beast sounds angry, it looks that way too, judging by the carnage and destruction he is creating. The beast jumps back into the scene, flipping cars over and killing the few police who still survived.

Tigris starts gasping for air, and she goes down again. Now what? I now remember that there were 4 of the Controller's men on the scene, and one of them could be the one trying to kill Tigris. How do you stop a guy you can't touch?

The beast runs to his dying partner to clap his hands hard infront of her head. This blows away the man, he now stands from a distance smiling whilst watching Tigris breathe heavily.

"Your greatest weakness kid, is that when the time comes. You don't have the guts to finish it off," says the man who just tried killing Tigris.

The beast charges at the woman who catapulted her, he grabs her by the feet and starts knocking her rubbery body side to side like a baby playing with a rattle toy.

He then throws the girl to the side, and she hits the wall. A hooded figure comes out from the second black van, the same guy who killed Mr Young. He looks at Tigris, Tigris points him to me.

The hooded figure first moves over to guy with the E on his chest. The guy with the E shoots energy blasts at the hooded figure, which he dodges effortlessly.

He then punches the guy with an E on his chest, he quickly sweeps his foot across the ground to trip him. The guy lands back first on the ground, and opens a energy force field covering him.

The hooded man is calm, he just shifts his attention to the rubbery woman. He walks towards her and then reaches inside his hoodie to take out some sort of dog collar.

It is metallic and round, and has a lot of modifications to it. I shoot the collar out the man's hand and the collar rolls across the tar.

He turns to look at me, "Relax, you'll get your turn," he says in a soothing tone a mother would use on her child.

"So the silent assassin speaks," I manage to say, as I swallow down my fear.

The man picks up the collar, and when he is about to put it around the woman's neck, two blasts shoot it from his hands. One blast from me and another from the guy behind the energy field.

"I can't let you do that," says the man with an E on his chest. The hooded man then turns his attention back to the guy and let's out a menacing laugh, "Pathetic."

Well that was chapter 16, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter.

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